January 29th, 2012

[info]mckinley_mod in [info]mckinley_ooc

RULE CHANGE: Character limits relaxed

As per feedback from my last mod post, I AM easing up on the character limits to allow players to apply for a second main character. This is subject to mod approval, since I still want to make sure that both of your characters aren't primarily interacting with each other. IF you are interested in picking up a second major character, please let me know before you start the application -- if it's going to be questionable, I'll let you know right away, and if it's far enough removed from your first character, I'll go ahead and place a hold for you. Standard rules still apply -- holds are valid for 3 days, two-week waiting period is still in place before you can hold/app a new character. (All current players are clear of the 2-week point, though, so that won't be an issue.)

(FYI -- We have special requests out for Puck, Mercedes, and Sebastian, so I will be trying to focus on them a little bit when I do my next round of ads this week!)

Oh, and the general consensus seems to be to stick with the one-week delay for the V-Day ep, despite the fact that it won't line up in real time, so watch the dates on that when the time comes!