January 23rd, 2012

[info]pezbitch in [info]mckinley_ooc

What's the story, guys?

This game has stopped feeling like a game, and started feeling like a bunch of PSLs that accidentally ended up in the same community. And the activity level is so low as to be almost non existent... I'd really like to PLAY my Santana, instead of having her just... sit here gathering dust.

So to that end, while I know Stacey has stuff going on and so Blaine can't attend, I'm proposing that Santana throw a party at her apartment, that everyone is invited to. Or, perhaps not a party. Perhaps a dinner party, so that Will and Emma could come too without feeling like they were trying to crash a high school party.

I'd really like it if we could make this an ACTIVE thread, not just one that gets three replies and dies. We need to get back into the swing of things! Who's with me!?