September 16th, 2011

[info]mckinley_mod in [info]mckinley_ooc

Season 3 Roll Call!

We're looking at the season 3 premiere here this week, so consider this your call to action for the new season! If you are interested in sticking with us going into season three, PLEASE let us know in a comment to this post -- this is your official season three roll call. The deadline to opt in is one week: Friday, September 23rd, but feel free to plot and play and tackle the new ep as soon as it airs, :)

For those of you who joined us during the hiatus, this is how things will work when new episodes begin to air (returning players, consider this a refresher!). From the game FAQ... )

Another issue we need to address is new canon characters. A character will be considered fair game for play after their first episode airs, but keep in mind if you decide to pick up a new character, it may be very early in their development. Likewise, if a character leaves the show or is downgraded to a smaller role, they will not necessarily vanish in game.

Things have slowed down a lot in the run up to season 3, but we're hoping new episodes will motivate people to interact a bit more -- if you need any help with plotlines or have any questions, feel free to drop a line in our Contact A Mod page or email one or both of us!

Happy season 3! XD

Confirmed players )