July 22nd, 2011

[info]fullofsmiles in [info]mckinley_ooc

HI EVERYONE! I'm Cindy and I'm completely new here! I'm 26 and have been RPing for 3-4 years. I'm only in about four games total. One is a reincarnation game, where I have about 50 characters, the next I mod and my co-mod is the mod from the reincarnation game. My game has become a next gen OC rpg :), and mouse race. Another OC and a true blood rpg.

Anyway…I'm bringing in OC Alex Santiago. Who is PBed by the adorable Selena Gomez.

She's a girl that loves being in the middle of things and does not mind being the center of attention. She'll dance even though she's most likely looking like a dork. If you've been into her room, her dresser is littered with hair product bottles, make-up and lotions. Clothes are probably scattered (though she tries to clean up if she knows people are coming…) and books are thrown everywhere. She can have a bitch of a temper if you push her there. Alex is always interested in hearing the latest gossip! She tends to be up late and enjoys going out dancing. She's snuck out while being grounded or snuck in when she's been out past her curfew.

She needs a BFF or two! Please. Boys to flirt with and enemies too. Gotta have those enemies!! And her brother! Ex's! STUFFAGE!

I'm totally open to threading anything, anytime!

Take a look at her prettified bio HERE

Also. I've got AIM please do not feel shy about IMing me. I LOVE LOVE LOVE to chat. If I don't respond I'm either at work or busy and will return the IM ASAP! Also, I added everything on the player contact. If you have something not listed there, let me know. I need to add you before you can IM me. stupid AIM spam made me lock down my privacy!

I'm excited to be accepted! Can I has some plots now? :D

[info]i_gotta_gay in [info]mckinley_ooc


i kind of think it would be hilarious if our characters had tumblrs...

just putting that out there. they could be unofficial MH tumblrs~ like AIM!

[info]fullofsmiles in [info]mckinley_ooc


Hey guys!

I tend to be organized...:) SO

here's a LINK to my plot sheet. If you notice every player has a color at the top! Copy your square if you could, and paste it in one or more than one spot that you think they should go! Feel free to add comments about how you might see the line going, or how it started in the past!


Note: Alex has gone to school with probably most since grade school! She's Lima born and raised! Her mom's a nurse, her brother is a lawyer or a doctor, and her daddy owns a very successful restaurant that Alex works at. SO there's plenty of past, present and future plot potential!