July 7th, 2011

[info]mckinley_mod in [info]mckinley_ooc

Just a quick update!

Hey Everybody :D
Just wanted let you know a few updates!

We've now got a Tina and Artie (as you've seen from their OOC posts)! Also, there was an issue with the Friending Button not adding Matt's journal that's been fixed, so make sure you run it to add him!

-We still need a Puck and a Lauren (and a Sam if the hold expires tomorrow without an app placed) to fill in our happy ND family, so if you know any friends that are looking for a game, send them on over! We also would love some more adults, some OCs, and maybe even some Warblers if anyone is so inclined. Also, if you have any ideas on good places to advertise, let us know! We've posted to some places but we'd like to find some more Glee specific places to advertise.

-If you're bored and your character has nothing to do, pop in on the Hudmel's 4th of July BBQ party thread! Everyone is invited, so come on over!

-So, let's talk summer!
The summer is a great opportunity for group logs! Parties, trips, sleepovers, concerts, pool parties! What do you guys want to do? Do you have any suggestions?
I saw a potential birthday party for Quinn hosted by Mike Chang and maybe a trip to Six Flags for anyone who wants to go? What can we do to get everyone active and having fun?

-ALSO! Don't forgot to check in on the Character Meme and the Friending Meme to get to know your fellow characters and fellow players better. If you've already got comments on your character in the Character Meme, go ahead and send a reply and maybe work out a log or a plotline with someone! Use it as a way to build some connections. Not many people- myself included, oops- have filled these out yet, so hop to it!

-And lastly, if you see any dead links or any info that needs updating, please let us know! We've feel we've got everything organized but you can never be too sure.

Ok then, I think I've rambled enough.
Happy playing!

Melly OUT

[info]princessvamp in [info]mckinley_ooc

H-h-hi Guys!

Just kidding, haha.

I'm Noelle, and I'm your new Tina! Thanks for having me!

So, a little about me, I'm 20, and I'm obsessed to high heaven with Glee, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, and pretty much anything nerdy. Music is my life, and so is Broadway. I love musicals, off and on broadway. This is semi my first time playing Tina. I was Tina for an RP game once, and got to do one scene before it kind of went dead, but I'm looking forward to much activity here! Anything else you wanna know about me, just ask!

[info]rtabrams in [info]mckinley_ooc

R, T, Artie Abrams!

*sigh* Friday's rap never gets old. Hey, guys, I'm Krista and I'm your new Artie! I was actually in this game a long time ago, playing Sunshine Corazon. (But I went so off-book with her. I had her in New Directions. That turned out to be not-so-fun...) I also picked up an OC for like, a week, and found out I'm not so great at OC's. I like when other people make great OC's, but I don't play them well. Basically, Artie's my muse! So I'm very happy that he came available in this game.

I just did the Friending Meme so you can learn more about me there (click the link). Basically, Artie's volunteering at Lima Manor (against his will) and will be in Lima most of the summer. He also has a pool in his backyard so that can create opportunities galore. Eager to plot with any and all of you!