June 10th, 2011

[info]mckinley_mod in [info]mckinley_ooc

Status update and final roll call, :)

Okay, guys -- we've got lots of new announcements, and lots of new developments.

FIRST: new mods! Michelle has retired, and Katie has turned the game over to us, Melly and Stacey, and we'll be working to revamp, reboot, and reopen the game. We're sending out a mass email to everyone on the contact list, so for those of you who don't know us, Melly plays Kurt, and Stacey plays Blaine and now Carole. Melly will be serving as primary mod, and Stacey as co-mod, so if you need anything at all, please don't hesitate to contact one of us; we'll be reopening the Page-A-Mod feature, and you can email/IM/message either of us through our character journals, as well.

SECOND: we need to get an accurate count of who is sticking around and who is opting out of the game, so we can update the character list and open it for new applications -- which is why we're calling for a head count. Everyone will have one (1) week to respond with your name, character(s), and contact info. After the deadline, all unclaimed characters will be put back up for grabs, so please get back to us quickly if you want to make sure you keep your characters!

Click for more information, including a list of confirmed players, revised canon guidelines, and plans for the reboot... )

TL;DR: Game restarting, let us know if you want in, :)

Hope to see you all back here soon!

~Melly & Stacey