March 17th, 2011

[info]haute_kurture in [info]mckinley_ooc

Proposition for timeline planning or something

SO, I was thinking (dangerous, I know) that since we have a big hiatus here to work with that it would be best to stretch some plot stuff out, just so we don't run out of things to do and get bored. I was talking about it in the episode thread but it probably got lost in the millions of comments.

My ideas are that we push regionals to next weekend, that way we'll have more time for the writing of original songs/any possible romantic build-up that may have happened in this ep. Plus, that'll give us something to work with in our week of no glee. So, that could make Regionals saturday the 26th? What do you all think?

Also, I think we should have the week before the new glee ep be spring break. We can plan a group trip or a party or something during that time so we have some activity before we get our new episode.

Good idea? Bad idea? Anyone? Bueller? Is anyone out there?