March 12th, 2011

[info]mediumdrip in [info]mckinley_ooc

New player here!

Okay. So. Hi, I'm Stacey, and I'll be playing Blaine for the foreseeable future, *lol*. I don't know anyone here yet, and I'm still trying to sort out where game-canon differs from show-canon, but I figured the first step should probably be making myself known and seeing if anyone has plotty thoughts for Mr. Anderson, :)

I've had to expand on Blaine's character a bit from what we've seen so far, although I've done my best to keep him canon-compliant through the most recent episode. My weird over-thinking about what makes him tick is HERE, so if that sparks any ideas for plotting, please don't hesitate to let me know -- I'll just be over here trying to get caught up so I can jump in!

(Aggggh, it's past 2am and I should be sleeping instead of trying to be coherent and make a halfway decent first impression, *headdesk*)