February 25th, 2011

[info]puckedyourmom in [info]mckinley_ooc

YOU GUYS we seriously need to figure out what the deal is with Rachel's party, I am so confused and I want to do logs relating to it but again, so confused.

Also, if anyone wants to RP with me, I'm so up for it.

[info]mckinley_mod in [info]mckinley_ooc

Sad neeeeewwwws. And then some other stuff.

Some sad news, due to RL obligations, Saskia is no longer going to be playing with us. So please defriend
[info]brittbritt and [info]mattattack.

Also, just in case ya'll were wondering, I seem to have come down with a nasty cold, possibly flu. But I will be around this weekend for PARTAY shenanigans. If you wish to thread, just let me know. I'm looking at'chu Cherry. ;D And anyone else who wants some Tina action. Also, Betsy, how convenient that this last episode had fun times with Schue and Beiste around the same time we were planning fun times for them?! :D

ETA: JUST TO CLEAR UP ANY FUTURE CONFUSION: Anything that happens in an episode will be happening in game AFTER the episode airs. Unless stated or requested otherwise. I think that's how we've always done it. And we'd like to try to get all those plots wrapped up before the next episode. So we have another full week to get everything that happened in this episode in, and whatever we may like to add.

So Aims, it's up to you if you'd like Rachel's party to be this weekend, or if you want to hold off till next weekend. Either way, this upcoming week is Alcohol Awareness Week at McKinley. And then the Assembly will be going down next Monday. Hope that helped! Now party hard.

-Mel Mod