February 3rd, 2011

[info]iwannabedirty in [info]mckinley_ooc

hi again~

So hi guys. Your new friendly neighborhood Finn ([info]finnocence5) player has picked up our favorite bitch Santana. (She's my first love. Totally trumps Finn, much as I've come to adore him.)

SO. I know she's had even more CR than Finny had. So fill me in, if you please? Comments here, e-mails at calisurfergirl.lauren@gmail.com, and IMs go to lizziebeam0226. I need to add you so I'm visible on your buddy list, but just drop me a line saying who you are, and I'll be more than happy to add you. :)


[info]jaredspaige in [info]mckinley_ooc


Oh hay guise.

This fine evening (at least it's evening here), I bring you all, Jared Scott Paige, a conniving little twerp who thinks he's better than everyone, but does a good job of hiding it so that everyone worships him. Um. Yeah. That's the gist of it. No, just kidding, there's more.

Jared's been undercover for the majority of the school year because he's been stalking everyone. To get dirt. On people. He's like Jacob, only he's somewhat attractive and actually knows what's going on with folks. Make of that what you will.

He also offers "services". He makes them sound fancy on his journal page, but really, all he's doing is either:
- Breaking couples up.
- Getting people together.
- Spreading shit about people.
Note: He will not take cash. He prefers gifts and information.

AHEM. What else...
Good luck trying to befriend him (if you can stand him.)