December 19th, 2010

[info]goldstar_berry in [info]mckinley_ooc

sickness becomes me

hey guys. i'm going to try and reply to all the tags, but i've been hit with a case of the stomach flu and i feel like total crap. i never had the stomach flu before so i'm all kinds of not cool right now. i'll get to all the tags, but it might take some time. hopefully i kick this thing before christmas. email's "rhymingreader@gmail" if you guys wanna email me or anything. it's a good thing i can't transfer the virus over the internet. lol stay awesome (and not sick!) guys.

- aims

[info]mckinley_mod in [info]mckinley_ooc

Late December Away Notices Post

(remember that holiday armadillo is still going on! check if your character missed any gifts due to time zones/posting delays by using the tag link.)

If you know you will be away for the last two weeks of December (look at me trying to be inclusive and not calling it 'holiday season' ;)), please post here so we all know who will be absent & we can work accordingly!

Previous hiatus notices posted in [info]mckinley_ooc-- Tasha, Cherry, Saskia