December 10th, 2010

[info]mckinley_mod in [info]mckinley_ooc

new character alert!

Hey gang, we have two new additions: April Rhodes ([info]crantini) played by Katie, and an OC Milly Suen ([info]milly_sue) played by Tasha!

Run the friending button :)

[info]germxmakeslife in [info]mckinley_ooc

I need to apologize...again.

I have had intense finals, and while I've been keeping up with most of the storylines and I know what you guys kept or didn't keep...I haven't been truly interacting with anyone. I'm really sorry, and I'm sure you guess have heard that I dropped Janessa? I'm willing to rp with any characters, especially the ones that are OC! Emma would definitely love to get to know everyone more. 

Like I said, I'm really sorry that I haven't been actively engaged in rp lately, but next semester should be better....this semester I had to take 18 credits instead of my normal 15, and next semester will be back to 15. :) 

Thanks for your understanding....and just comment if you'd like to rp anything. :)