December 8th, 2010

[info]mckinley_mod in [info]mckinley_ooc

Long overdue news: Krista dropped Sunshine and Devon and is no longer in the game. Paulina dropped Janessa.

Run the friending button to remove them.

Some new news: Now that we are on hiatus, we are planning on introducing random character match ups to rp together just for something fun to do while we wait for Glee to come back! Plus it will encourage more diverse character interactions and just be interesting to see how we make these plots between unlikely characters plausible. ;) So look out for that next week. As usual, use the next week to wrap up any show canon you want to include in the game (bar from the super Christmas stuff that will be more appropriate when it's closer to the holiday) and then we'll give you more details about this!

If anyone has questions, comments, or concerns, let us know!

[info]original_asian in [info]mckinley_ooc

Activity notice

I'm going to be away for most of this upcoming weekend, and then next week is tech week for the play that I'm in, so my time will be very limited. So I guess starting this weekend I'll be going on a semi-hiatus. I'll still check in and comment around, but I won't have time to log much with anyone.

And I guess I'll mention this now, since I'm here, but from the 26th - 30th, Tina will be going away with her family where she is not allowed her laptop and has limited access to her cell phone. This is mostly because I've been seriously slacking with Schue and I need to push myself to get more active with him (because let's be honest, the kids take up more time and are more fun to play).

I definitely think some grown up time is in order. But even though the kids will be off on break, doesn't mean they all have to forget about their dear ol' Mr. Schuester. And Lima isn't that big a town, so he could easily run into a student somewhere. So if you want the Schuemeister in your character's life more, just let me know. :)
