November 28th, 2010

[info]santa_santana in [info]mckinley_ooc

away extension notice

I have been asked by Saskia ([info]brittbritt and [info]mattattack... if you don't know by now) to post extending her away notice to Tuesday due to her having the stomach flu and having lost her internet modem somewhere, presumably, in her room.

Heads up!

So if you need her, let me know and I'll pass along the message.

[info]mckinley_mod in [info]mckinley_ooc

IMPORTANT CHRONOLOGY POST (esp. ATTN to Betsy, Spider, Aims, & Leah)

Can we figure out/firmly establish the chronology for Furt & the upcoming Sectionals episode, please? Namely--

1) Has the wedding happened yet in our canon? I'm assuming we're going to have it happen before the events of the Sectionals episode but correct me if I'm wrong.
2) I'd like to propose that the actual Sectionals event happen some time next weekend, like Saturday or Sunday, so we have the weekdays to foreshadow and such.

Please let me know so we can edit this appropriately and we can all know what is going on!

Monday: Glee girls' meeting, very early in the morning. Glee boys beatdown of Karofsky? Karofskys & Hummels parent meeting. Karofsky gets expelled.
Wednesday: Burt Hummel & Carole Hudson's Wedding.
Thursday: Karofsky returns to WMHS.
Friday: 2nd meeting, Kurt decides to transfer. Last game of the football season!
Sunday: Sectionals.

Everyone has a wedding invite so be there, bitches.

[info]santa_santana in [info]mckinley_ooc

One more wedding post!!

Do we want to do mass threads for the party afterwards, perhaps?

Also, I'm assuming we aren't going to do canon dates but maybe singing partners for "Marry You"? DISCUSS. I'm personally good with keeping my bbs singing "Marry You" with Brittany and Puck but they'd probably like to be there as dates with their respective people. :)