November 14th, 2010

[info]thequinnbee in [info]mckinley_ooc


Couple things:

1. New layout on mod/rpg/ooc comm, yay!
2. Is there any character missing a tag? Just noticed Jaz didn't have one and added it. Anyone else? Any pairing tags needed? I added Kurt/Matt, but if anyone else needs any tags let us know so we can take care of it.
3. Just a note that generally only complete/incomplete tags need to be used on logs/threads, just so you guys know :) Usually emails and texts don't have a definite time span so they aren't really necessary for them.
4. Check out your incomplete logs/threads and wrap them up/close them if they're old.

Questions/concerns/comments? Let us know :)

[info]hummel_senior in [info]mckinley_ooc

brief hiatus

Computer is well again, but Burt will be out of action through Wednesday while I prepare for a couple of big assignments. Should be back for the weekend, though!

Hugs, see you Thursday!

apologies, had posted to the wrong place....