November 8th, 2010

[info]brittbritt in [info]mckinley_ooc

Anne and I were talking about how Brittany and Lizzie are totally going to organize a secret santa for December and try to include EVERYONE AT THE SCHOOL, like, including janitors and everything :| in it.


#1: Aims: Would Rachel want to get in on organizing this with them?

#2: We were thinking about people drawing REALLY AWKWARD PAIRINGS. Like (okay I'll just c/p the conversation)
Anne: and we can come up with some really awkward secret santa pairings
me: hahahaah
sam gets matt :|
Anne: and tina should get artie
me: omg awwwwwwwwwwwwkward lol
me: yess
matt will get lizzie.
and give her ponies :|

so the secret santa is happening no matter what (your characters can participate or not, as they like) but this post is for discussion! the schtick will be that they'll just pull names out of a hat to pair them up but we totally get to concoct the setup, so does anyone have any input or anything?