October 31st, 2010

[info]morethanadiva in [info]mckinley_ooc


First off, Happy Halloween Long live Lily and James Potter <3

Secondly...The end of october means the start of November, the start of November means the start of NaNoWriMo, which I am participating in.

Basically, throughout the month of November I'll be a lot less active than I have been in the past, I will still be on and I'll try to get on everyday (which won't be hard since I tend to procrastinate) but I just wanted to let you guys know in case I disappear or something.


(On a completely separate note, I'm loving everyone's mixed reactions to Owen, it makes me laugh)

[info]chang_mike in [info]mckinley_ooc

I may not be around as much in the near future as usually

Tomorrow NaNoWriMo begins, but that wouldn´t be that big a problem, but both my notebooks decided to die on me today. One´s not connecting to the Internet, the other´s not working at all. I´m on my generous roommate´s computer right now.

I´ll still be able to get some Internet time at school and stuff, but it will be a lot less then usually. Also, no AIM for me until I have a working computer (I can hear the sighs of relief from those of you, who are being constantly spammed by me there ;) ).