October 17th, 2010

[info]holmesboy in [info]mckinley_ooc


Hi guys! Leah here, offering up a line for somebody!

Basically, poor Ethan is the self-sacrificing type. He's got himself into a spot of trouble with Azimio and Karofsky in honour of Santana and Brittany. You can see what the mean bullies are planning on doing to him here!

So basically, I'm offering it up for someone to find him. Kind person(s) only please! Only if your character is willing to help him out, haha. I'm hoping for maybe someone he doesn't interact with much, as a chance to build bridges and get him more involved with people that he might not usually. It doesn't just have to be one person, it can be two or three, whatever!

This will be happening on Monday; dumpster toss in the morning, slushie at lunch, and a patriotic wedgie after school. SO REALLY there are three lines, if anyone wants to help him out of the trash, or help clean him up at lunch, or get him down from the flagpole...

Any takers?

[info]mckinley_mod in [info]mckinley_ooc

Weekly Glee RP + Song Meme

Hi all,

In the interest of better utilizing the Weekly Glee threads that we've been doing, we've decided to make these into more of an 'open mic' type of thread. Basically, Will's starting posts will now ask the students to share anything they've been working on during their own time. This way, we don't have to try and fit them in to sync up with each week's episode and it'll give us a way to supplement those plots plus, of course, our own ones unique to this game. Consider this an opportunity for your character to share their feelings through song, make open declarations of love, bitch people out, whatever moves you.

With that in mind!

Stuck for ideas for your character(s), songwise? Ever thought Puck should sing 'Wild Thing" by Tone-Loc (I know I have...)? Or Rachel sing 'Rude Boy" by Rihanna once she gets down with her bad self? Or something. Comment to this post with your character's name so we can all share/plot song ideas.

As for Ethan and Lizzie... um, hang tight? :/ Maybe they should actually legit join Glee ;)

[info]goldstar_berry in [info]mckinley_ooc


okay. so i'm taking a page out of justine's book, i'm whoring out bb rachel this week. since it's spirit week (and she has a LOT of spirit), rachel will be dressing up for all days. not to mention the fact that she's throwing an after party at her place! so if you want to log/thread with rachel on one of these days let me know!

Monday: Formal Day
Tuesday: Decades Day
Wednesday: Costume Day
Thursday: Pajama Day
Friday: School Colors (Red, White, Black)
Homecoming & Rachel's after party

i'd also like to point out that on PAJAMA DAY, rachel will be wearing her white, floor length sleeping gown (a la MASH-UP) *looks at you puck*


[info]santa_santana in [info]mckinley_ooc


not that i think people are raring to plot/thread/log/whatever with me but we do have quite a bit of action going on this week and i am forseeing a lot of busy-ness on my part... so if you want to do anything with artie/santana don't hesitate to let me know! i am up for logging things in advance to post for homecoming and such and would probably do better with that than threads.




hope you all have a nice week!

ps: santana is also dressing up for all of spirit week and she will be Hotter Than You while doing so. especially on thursday when she shows up in lingerie.