October 15th, 2010

[info]karofsky in [info]mckinley_ooc

Hi all! Leah here again with this big hulk of a boy who you should all be familiar with!

This is Dave Karofsky, mean machine of WMHS and wingman of Azimio! He's not a very nice guy, especially to those Gleeks. He's also not the sharpest tool in the shed and certainly doesn't care for your pansy-ass feelings. I don't really think much else needs to be said about him save that his bio is here if you'd like to check it out! :D

[info]goldstar_berry in [info]mckinley_ooc

so there's no confusion!

finn and rachel perform this song. sorry ya'll, no wanting to punch them in the face!

[info]mckinley_mod in [info]mckinley_ooc

Hey guys, announcing a new original character, Lizzie ([info]cheeriolizzie), played by Anne. You can find her character history here.

Run the friending button too.

Hope everyone is having a good Friday :)

[info]morethanadiva in [info]mckinley_ooc


Just a heads up, Mercedes has her own AIM, and has had it for a while, I just never made a formal announcement.


Her AIM is "singitoutjones" but you'd probably have to poke me on my personal AIM account, "withthesadeyes" for me to log on there, or you can hit me up with an email.

I still don't have all of you added because I'm terribly lazy, so if I ask who you are, please don't be offended :S

[info]cheeriolizzie in [info]mckinley_ooc

Hi everyone, I'm Anne and this is Lizzie. She's a junior and is fairly new to McKinley High, having transferred here just this past February following her parents' acrimonious divorce. Lizzie is an exceedingly outgoing and bubbly sort who's as nice to the prom queen as she is to, well, New Directions :) Think of her as an excitable puppy: she loves people, no matter who they are, and will try to be your character's friend until they are outright nasty to her. Though she's actually of slightly (emphasis on slightly) above average intelligence, she will generally disguise it and would rather be valued for almost anything other than intelligence. Consequently, it's entirely possible that your character could see her as only somewhat less oblivious than Brittany - with whom I can easily see her getting along well!

She's a Cheerio, a lifelong dancer (she takes lessons at a local studio), and - that's about it. You can find a more detailed (possibly overly so) run-down in her journal, but for now I'm excited to start interacting with you! Thanks to Leah for bringing my attention to this community :)

[info]sun_gotta_shine in [info]mckinley_ooc

Because Puck = Phantom

Sunshine and Puck are singing this for their duet! They'll be super dramatic. She's going to wear a long flowing dress to play Christine. We had the idea that Puck could wear a suit and ask Rachel to borrow her phantom mask. If she'll let him, I thought it would be funny if she later got upset when she realized what it was for. Thoughts?