October 10th, 2010

[info]santa_santana in [info]mckinley_ooc

attn: aims, melissa, and michelle

did the girls attempt to crash the party?! inquiring minds (read: santana) want to know if she has to bust some asses.

[info]thequinnbee in [info]mckinley_ooc

incomplete/open threads

Hey guys, just a reminder to check the incomplete tag here and clear out any open threads you have. Most of them are from a couple weeks ago so I assume they're done, but I'm not really monitoring that.

And I know it's kind of tricky to get the incomplete tag to go away (sketchy IJ is sketchy, but 100 icons gais). The way I do it is add the complete tag and then once it is tagged as both complete and incomplete, go back and delete the incomplete. If you have any problems with this you can IM me or leave the link of the thread here and I can fix it :)


[info]puckedyourmom in [info]mckinley_ooc

Puck has an AIM SN now: puckzillaa

Now he can finally be as cool as everyone else.

[info]mattattack in [info]mckinley_ooc

hey guys!

i'm going to be in kisumu/lake victoria monday-friday. i'll probably have internet, but it will be super limited and idk if i'll be able to get on ij much/at all. we'll just say that brittany is avoiding the intarwebz because she's pissed at santana and that matt is like, idk, doing matt-stuff.

have great weeks! :)

[info]germxmakeslife in [info]mckinley_ooc

Official AIM

Emma has a AIM. It's the same as her username on here.... germxmakeslife. 

Also, I'm definitely in the rpg mood and I'm mostly free this week. If anyone wants to have a session with Miss P., comment, and lets set something up!