October 6th, 2010

[info]thequinnbee in [info]mckinley_ooc

Saturday's football game party

After the game Friday On Saturday there will be a party at Matt's. Jocks and Cheerios are invited (so this means: Artie, Finn, Matt, Mike, Puck, Sam + Brittany, Quinn, Santana and Kurt). Gleeks can crash if they want though they're not ~technically~ invited.

If your character crashes they need a legitimate way of hearing about it, since usually these parties are kept on the down low.

Friday's football game, which they will win, will be a combination of the two football games we saw during Tuesday's episode, so Sam is getting hurt, thus Finn making quarterback again, and Artie will get the winning touchdown. Because who doesn't want this cuteness to exist?:

Saskia~ We need Matt's house layout please ♥

Party thread style the same as Mike's shitshow birthday party, organized by location. And logs can be posted to the comm, but remember to link back under the proper location in the party thread.

Now... PLOT~ (if your heart so desires)