September 30th, 2010

[info]morethanadiva in [info]mckinley_ooc


Hey everyone! I'm back in business so hit me up if you want to game. Oh and catch me up on what I missed? :P

I hate having no Internet D:

[info]santa_santana in [info]mckinley_ooc

Attn Tina

Saskia and I have just decided that we propose that Brittany SPierce lives on a pond/lake and that Brittany, Santana, Mike, and Matt have a history of playing pond hockey and Brittany is a startlingly more aggressive player than Santana.


ETA: anyone else is welcome to have once upon a time participated in pond hockey. Details shall be worked out later.

[info]santa_santana in [info]mckinley_ooc

spirit squad

attn: cherry, tina, spider, saskia, nicole, sara

so joie and i are borrowing a little from friday night lights when planning out the relationship between the cheerios and the football players. basically the idea is that each football player has a personal spirit squad made up of one of the cheerios and they bring them cookies or whatever for support and good luck. stuff like that.

so if you'd like to incorporate this into your plots, use this space to discuss who has who.
ETA: joie has decided that quinn put names into a hat and had people draw, but the gleerios had their own special draw for the glocks. since sam is not in glee (and there are 4 gleerios and 5 glocks)... i don't really know. the logic here doesn't have to be airtight. do whatever you wish with this plot suggestion. someone may have to get matched with an npc.

also, santana still needs a football player! i promise she won't try to just give them good luck sex. or alcohol. she will probably bring them slushies (to drink) and also maybe take them for ice cream treats just because santana doesn't bake. and that's my story.

if people make spirit squad matches i will post them here!

quinn & artie
santana & finn
brittany & mike
kurt & matt
puck & quinn
sam & lizzie
karofsky & _______
azimio & _______