September 28th, 2010

[info]santa_santana in [info]mckinley_ooc

not really a hiatus post but...

hey guys,

while i'm trying to sort out my crazy hectic life (way too much going on) i will probably not really be too available on IMs and such or much threading/logging. you can always reach me via email, or you can harass joie and she can pass it on. or, you know, you can just harass her in general.

hope you're all doing splendidly today :)

[info]thequinnbee in [info]mckinley_ooc

couple things gais

1. I'm going to start being more active with Jacob. He is going to start posting more gossip about all the Gleeks. If you have any issues up front with Jacob writing about your character, lodge your concerns here (so can also give gossip ideas too)! Most of what he posts is crap anyway so if he posts something from show canon that you don't want to include you can always just rip him a new one about how he is spreading lies ;)

I am also probably going to have him start trolling journals. Be prepared. Hehehe....

2. In a little bit I am going to put up a discussion post for tonight's episode. You can use it for many purposes such as:

- flailing before you watch
- flailing as you watch
- flailing after you watch

(just general flailing)

However, whether you use the post to flail or not, what I do want from everyone is for them to comment after the episode and say what show canon they will be incorporating in the game. As we all know, we aren't obligated to follow season 2 canon, but there are some elements/plot points that would be fun to include! Please include a comment title when you do this. Something like "Show vs Game canon" so that it's easy to spot.

I'll do a round up at the end and put it in the OP so that we can all check back on that. And if this goes smoothly we'll try and do this weekly just to keep organized and such :)

I think that's it. Hope everyone enjoys tonight's episode :D

[info]thequinnbee in [info]mckinley_ooc

Episode Discussion: 2x02 Britney/Brittany

Channel Surfing

songs: here on tumblr
episode: hotfile

under the cut )

[info]morethanadiva in [info]mckinley_ooc


In an unexpected twist of events, I'm headed to the hospital and may be stuck there without Internet access from anywhere between 1-3 days. I'm fine but I won't be able to roleplay D:

[info]justfinn in [info]mckinley_ooc


Hey peeps.

Now that I have the internet on a full time basis again (amazing) and am about to be on the other side of open house, I am looking to get myself into some plots. I guess to specifically hash out Rachel/Quinn businesses? And have fake brother times with Kurt! And really anything because I am equal opportunity.

So please, comment or gchat/gmail me on I can do a bit of emailing on my lunch but other than that I'm usually available after 4pm central time if you like more of the real-time convos. Yeah.