September 26th, 2010

[info]mckinley_mod in [info]mckinley_ooc

mod post!

A couple new character! Yay!

Burt Hummel ([info]bhummel) played by Carolina and Mike Chang ([info]chang_mike) played by Tina!

Run the friending button and say hi to them on the friending meme. :)

[info]thequinnbee in [info]mckinley_ooc

Joie's weekend extravaganza is ended, anyone want to log some stuff with me this week? ;)

[info]sun_gotta_shine in [info]mckinley_ooc

Posting an idea for Sunshine in hopes of getting her more connected with others in the game. Right now it feels like she basically just has Quinn... and a little bit Sam/Kurt/Artie... but I'd like to see her broaden her horizons...

The people she's living with (just some random teacher's family, I decided) can't let her live there anymore. I'll just make up a reason ... like an elderly parent has to come live with the person and takes the room Sunshine was using. And since Sunshine doesn't wanna sleep on someone's couch all year, she's got to find a new host family to stay with.

So, to enable a connection between Mercedes and Sunshine, she can live with Mercedes. We already know Mercedes' parents are accommodating because they let Quinn live with them. Michelle says she's in. Thoughts? ;D