September 23rd, 2010

[info]kurtain in [info]mckinley_ooc

Hello, everyone! I'm Spider, your replacement Kurt. And I'm... very bad at these introduction things, so don't mind the rambling...

I've been roleplaying for years, very informally. This is my first organized journal-style RP (I've done a bit on forums before), but it seems like no one here will bite my head off (except maybe that Quinn...)

I'm... hmm. I'm 23 years old, and an avid Gleek (I swear, I've written more Glee fanfiction than any other fandom, and in a shorter time, too!). I'm doing my best to get my coworkers addicted: so far it's working! Went to a staff meeting just this morning, and the teen librarian (work at a library) grabbed me and said "SOMETHING HORRIBLE HAS HAPPENED! Disc 4 SKIPPED! HOW DID SUE GET SUSPENDED!?"

This makes me happy.

Anyway, yes. I work at a library, which means my hours are wonky (Wednesdays off, work some Saturdays) but I'm online, um... almost any time I'm not sleeping. Because I'm addicted like that.

Outside of Glee, I adore cats, and I'm a beginner geocacher. I've wandered through many fandoms, including Harry Potter and CATS the musical. Aaaaand... I found this community through the ad on samkurt.

It's very nice to meet all of you, and I hope I don't offend anyone with my take on Kurt!

[info]santa_santana in [info]mckinley_ooc

Personnel changes

Hi gang,

Just wanted to announce that we now have a Mercedes! She can be found at [info]morethanadiva and is being played by Michelle. Find her on the friending meme here.

Also, the position of Mike Chang is now open. Please spread the word around if you know anyone interested in picking him up!