September 19th, 2010

[info]puckedyourmom in [info]mckinley_ooc

SO. I'm getting a three day weekend, and at first I was all:

But then I found out that my mom forgot to pay the bill for our internet and blew all the money that was supposed to go for it, and now I'm like this:

Fortunately, one of my neighbors has an open network, so I can just piggyback off them for a bit, but it's reeeally laggy and makes me reconnect every five minutes. So. We'll see how that goes.

I have every intention of continuing to RP, but I'm warning you in advance, it'll probably go slower than usual.

[info]mckinley_mod in [info]mckinley_ooc

A few housekeeping things

#1 Please make sure your character has everyone friended! Use our handy dandy friending button just to make sure.

#2 While some notification (a few of you have told us privately about impending absences, breaks, etc.) is obviously better than nothing, please post some sort of announcement if you know something will be coming up to let us know that you will be away/hard to reach for a little while. We have a pretty decent track record as a whole with doing this, but a little reminder can't hurt!

#3 Have a nice Sunday. :)

[info]kurtastic in [info]mckinley_ooc


Sorry guys for doing a disappearing act. I'm ready to get back into the game. Anything Kurt should be aware of as I catch up? I had some RL stuff come up, and I'm afraid I forgot a "hiatus" notice. <3