September 10th, 2010

[info]goldstar_berry in [info]mckinley_ooc

okay, somehow we need to bring this into the RP!

1. Cory: "Instant hard-on"
2. Mark: "You get to slam into her for an hour and knock her to the ground" diiirrtyyyyy
3. Mark: "Talk about a girl in a uniform"
4. Dianna: "With the dress hanging out of the bottom"
5. There's a photo of Lea in the uniform flying around somewhere out there (and I can find it)

but other than that! LETS PIMP OUT RACHEL! i think this girl needs to interact with some people!

here are some possible thoughts:
- rachel needs to rally some of the gleeks to go through her room and find all the bugs/trackers jacob ben israel put in her things
- rachel needs a jess-vention. that's a jesse intervention.
- rachel needs to throw a beginning of glee/the school year party (where drama/hilarity ensues)

anyone want to play with this gold star?

[info]mckinley_mod in [info]mckinley_ooc

How to embed media

If you're a little unobservant, like me, you may have not noticed that there's totally an 'embed media' link above the post window (e.g., where I am typing this right now). If you have been trying to post YouTubes and the like and getting frustrated when they don't show... Um, hit that link and then put the embed code in there.

So simple.

I'm a little ashamed now, but I just needed to spread the word.

PS: Oh, and Aims (and I'm sure everyone else in the world) knew this before me but I posted this before she got back to me about it. So props to her.