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Nov. 6th, 2009


Floral delivery

Delivered to the dressing room for KJ tonight
Kj Hart )
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Oct. 14th, 2009


Who: Charlotte and KJ
When: Monday October 5 (Backdated)
Where: The Keaton lounge
What: Meeting and getting something to eat
Rating: G
Status: Complete

Just killing a few brain cells )

Oct. 7th, 2009


Who: Chris and KJ
What: Practicing for the production.
Where: The PAC's Black Box
When: Monday, October 5th. (back-dated)
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

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Sep. 7th, 2009


to: julietcostello@mcdermott.edu
from: kyrahart@mcdermott.edu
subject: help!

message )

Sep. 1st, 2009


Who: Felix and the whole wide world
When: August 26th, because that way people who want to interact can say they were on their way to get some ice creams. Yum.
Where: Mainly outside of the Harper Cove.
What: Let's just pretend Felix e-mailed the main folks interested in chalking up the sidewalks and decided to do it by the ice cream social at Harper Cover. =)
HOW LONG: A longish time for him, from noon until it starts getting dark.
Status: Incomplete
Rating: pg-13 just in case

It is my firm belief that people that don't color in the lines are the same people who can't stay in their own lane when they drive. )

Aug. 31st, 2009


who: Chris and KJ
what: First Meeting
where: The Auditorium
when: Monday, August 31st
rating: G
status: Complete

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Aug. 2nd, 2009


who: auden and kj
what: the most dramatic airport goodbyes evarrr
when: sunday, august 2, late morning/early afternoon
where: ...the airport
rating: PG
status: complete!

It was kind of bittersweet, this airport adventure thing. On the one hand, KJ was with Auden (and Jeremy, they were like a package deal at this point), and she'd never had so much fun in an airport in her life. On the other hand, they were going their separate ways; the boys to San Francisco, and she herself to Santa Fe.

But she tried to push that to the back of her mind as they finally got through the last of security. It was kind of a nice coincidence that their planes were taking off in the same terminal (though different gates), so they could at least hang out a little and KJ could wave at them from the window like the old days before security got annoying. Currently, she was still giggling about the fact that yet again, she'd managed to set off the metal detector. "You'd think I was made out of metal or something," she joked lightly, as they picked up their stuff and began to walk down the terminal.
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Jul. 10th, 2009


Who: KJ and Justin!
When: Friday afternoon, 7/10
Where: The PAC, then the bookstore, and back again.
What: Hanging out before the cast list goes up.
Rating: Let's say PG for now and fix it as we go.
Status: In progress

Today was the day. KJ was nervous today. She usually didn't get nervous. The last time she'd gotten this nervous was when Auden had taken her downtown and... well, at least that had ended up okay. But this was different.

Today was the day the cast list was going up for Twelfth Night!

Fridays were only half-days when it came to theatre workshop, because one of the theatre gods, KJ guessed, had decided to be somewhat nice to them and give them a little break. However, KJ was still at the PAC, waiting around - they'd said the cast list would be up a little after two PM and she didn't want to walk back to her dorm only to walk back here. And she was too nervous to eat. She thought about texting Auden, or bugging Chloe, but she knew Chloe had a lot going on and well, she didn't know if Auden was in class or not.

So she sighed and sat herself rather noisily in one of the chairs in the auditorium, not quite sure what to do with herself. As she scanned the sparsely populated auditorium, she noticed a mop of curly hair moving just as fast as she'd been moments before. KJ grinned, got back up and chased after it. "Justin, dude. Wait up. I have no idea what to do with myself until the list goes up. You have to help a girl out."

Jul. 7th, 2009


KJ and Chloe

Who: Chloe and KJ
What: Girltalk!
Where: Chloe's room
When: Tuesday night
Rating: PG
have you ever been in love? )
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Jul. 1st, 2009


npc time! :)

Who: KJ and her family: Justin, Marisa, Keith (21), Kaiden (16), and Kallie (7) Hart
What: Being their noisy, crazy selves
When: Tuesday night
Where: The Hart household in Santa Fe, New Mexico
Rating: so very G
Status: Complete

Wait, hold up. Baby K has a boyfriend now? )
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Jun. 30th, 2009


who: KJ and Jeremy
what: Talking things out and bonding over video games
when: Tuesday afternoon
where: Jeremy and Auden's room
rating: PG
status: Complete

Seriously, had I known you were this good ages ago, I would have kidnapped you earlier. )

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