Posts Tagged: 'type:+thread'

Jan. 13th, 2016



Thread - Did it hurt? When you fell from heaven?

Characters: Wanda Maximoff, Peggy Carter, and Open
Where: Wasteland, just outside the city.
What: Joining the party :D
When: Day 9, late morning.
Rating: PG13

Did it hurt? When you fell from heaven? )

Jan. 8th, 2016



[Thread] Doug the Explorer

Characters: Doug Ramsey & Open~
Where: Central Park.
What: Doug goes looking for trouble exploring.
When: Day 7. Morning.
Rating: Low.

Going nowhere... )

Jan. 4th, 2016




Characters: Steve & Peggy
Where: Alleyway, Wasteland NYC
What: It was a long day of hunting for supplies with little success, but a pair of the lonely survivors find they understand each other's methods.
When: Day 6; Twilight
Rating: PG

Twilight is a time for introspection... )



Thread: A Mirage meets a Spider

Characters: Mirage and Spider-Woman
Where: Soho area
What: Dani finds another on her turf.
When: Day 6, early morning
Rating: PG

Answer me. )

Dec. 21st, 2015



Thread! Day 2 check in.

Characters: America Chavez, Betsy Braddock & Maria Hill
Location: Near Central Park
Timeline: Day 2 (backdated!)
Description: checking in
Rating: PG-13 (For America's mouth)

It was frustrating to have a desire to protect people you didn't even know, and had no idea if they were going to stab you in the back or not.... )

Dec. 20th, 2015



Paranoid Meetings

Characters: Peggy Carter, America Chavez, Manuel de la Rocha, Victor Von Doom
Where: Near the Building Peggy and Victor Von Doom holed up in at the beginning.
What: A small meeting was announced over the network and now Peggy waits to see if anyone shows.
When: Day 3, just after dawn.
Rating: PG

A long wait before dawn... )

Nov. 29th, 2015



Marvel Dystopia Reboot

Characters: All Day 1 Arrivals
Where: Dystopia
What: Arrival & Survival
When: Day 1; throughout
Rating: PG-13 for anticipated language

This is Dystopia. )

OOC: Tag in with your character name for the subject. Mark them OPEN for tags or CLOSED as a narrative. This thread marks the start of game history and all previous threads are not part of the current game canon.