Saturday, November 20th, 2010

Who: Arthur Centino and OPEN!
When: Saturday, November 20th, 2010
Where: New York
What: After discovering from some other guests at the Halloween party that Alison is at Xavier's, he gives the place a call in hopes of tracking her down. But that does not necessarily mean she'll be the one who answers the phone there...
Rating: PG

Many questions, one phone call. )
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Sunday, October 31st, 2010

WHO: James Hudson, Open to anyone in New York
NPCs: Evil Commandos with super-high tech weaponry
WHAT: James goes for a pleasant walk, and gets ambushed in the park.
WHERE: Central Park, NYC
WHEN: October 31- Morning

Nice day for a stroll- what could possibly go wrong... )

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Friday, October 29th, 2010

Who: Halloween Party Goers
NPCs: Lots! Waitstaff, DJ's, ect.
When: forward dated Saturday, Oct 30th & Oct 31st, 2010
Where: Snazzy Club In NYC
What: Party Time!
Rating: Various!
Notes: Tag the scene as you tag in. Go crazy making sub threads!

Party all night and into the next day. )
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Monday, October 25th, 2010

Thread: Alison + Arthur

Who: Arthur Centino and Alison Blaire
When: Sunday, Feb. 4nd, 2007 - mid afternoon [hella backdated]
Where: Ali (and now Arthur's!) brownstone -> NYC, NY
What: Alison drops the baby bomb on an unsuspecting Arthur.
Rating: PG

Something, that she couldn't describe, filled her belly. She couldn't explain it, but she did seem a little bit rounder lately.  )
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Thursday, October 14th, 2010

Who: Arthur Centino
NPCs: Jay Leno (NPC)
When: October 14th, 2010
Where: NBC Studios, Burbank, California
What: After another year in seclusion, Arthur steps back into the lime light.
Rating: G

The Tonight Show: Featuring the Return of Arthur Centino. )
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Friday, July 24th, 2009

Emails to Janet and Alison

To: Janet Van Dyne
From: Arthur Centino
Subject: Proposition
Date: July 23rd, 2009

you have 1 unread message )

From: Arthur
Subject: Where are you?
Date: July 23rd, 2009

you have 1 unread message )
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Wednesday, July 1st, 2009

Who: Pete Wisdom and Arthur Centino
NPCs: -
When: June 29, 2009
Where: Los Angeles at some vegetarian joint
What: Pete goes to find Arthur and make a request.
Rating: PG-13

I wanted to see if you were for real. )
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Monday, June 29th, 2009

Who: Arthur Centino
NPCs: Oprah Winfrey
When: July 1rst, 2009
Where: Chicago, Illinois. The Oprah Winfrey Show
What: Arthur Centino finally decides to venture out into the lime light for an exclusive interview.
Rating: G

Before the Eyes of the World )

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Thursday, June 25th, 2009

Who: Alison "Dazzler" Blaire and Arthur "Longshot" Centino
NPCs: --
Where: Belle Isle, Detroit
When: Saturday May 21st, 2005. Early Afternoon [hella backdated]
What: Alison finally accepts and agrees to let Arthur take her on a date. Boo hoo, poor her. Who knows, they might even fall in love. Part 1. Part 2.
Rating: G-ish?

What Alison Blaire felt like was a colossal ass. )

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Wednesday, June 24th, 2009


To: Henry Pym
From: Janet Van Dyne
Date: June 24

you have 1 unread message )

TO: Arthur Centino (and of course undeliverable since the number is old)
From: Janet Van Dyne
Date: June 23

you have 1 unread message )
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Tuesday, June 23rd, 2009

Station/Periodical: US Weekly, People, Daily Bugle. Also reported on news stations around the world.
When: June 23rd, 2009
What: Arthur falls into the limelight.

Breaking News-Centino Is Alive! And in Jail! )
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Friday, June 19th, 2009

Who: Arthur Centino
NPCs: Boris
When: December 15th, 2008
Where: Mojo's Arena Lair in Egypt
What: Arthur is tortured, and the event is filmed for viewing later. A little over six months later, Alison finds the video.
Rating: R (Gore notice)

A Glimpse of Hell )

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Thursday, June 11th, 2009

Who: Arthur Centino and Clint Barton
NPCs: n/a
When: June 12th, 2009. Late Evening.
Where: Clint's apartment, New York, New York.
What: Arthur turns to his one friend in the city in the hopes of finding some means through which to sort out his life.
Rating: R

Knock, knock )

Open to Clint
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Tuesday, June 9th, 2009

Periodicals: Daily Bugle, National Enquirer, US Weekly, various other papers...
When: Tuesday, June 9th, 2009
What: Upcoming Film

Coming soon-Downward Spiral: The Arthur Centino Story! )
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Wednesday, June 3rd, 2009

Who: Arthur Centino and Mary Jane Watson
NPCs: Thugs
When: June 1rst, 2009. 1:35 am.
Where: New York City. A dark alley.
What: Arthur, a trash can, and a lot of unresolved anger come out. Violence and swearing ensue.
Rating: R

You Are My Wilson!!! )

Open to MJ
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Saturday, May 30th, 2009

Who: Pete Wisdom and Alison Blaire OPEN TO Arthur Centino
NPCs: various NY onlookers
When: Friday, May 29, evening
Where: NYC, Manhattan, Ritz Carlton, their room and around town
What: After arriving in the States, a high-on-each-other, punchy-from-the-jet-lag couple do the town. Little do they suspect what is in store for them. You'll never guess how it ends.
Rating: PG-13

For a surly Englishman, he sure was giddy. )

OPEN to Longshot
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Thursday, May 28th, 2009

Who: Arthur Centino and Alison Blaire
NPCs: Other cast members
When: May 17th, 2005. Afternoon
Where: On the set of Arthur's latest movie, Bullets. Detroit, Michigan. On location at Oslo, Sushi/Thai Restaurant & Techno/Hip - hop dance club.
What: The time comes for Alison to film her small role opposite Arthur.
Rating: PG-13

The way he saw it, his third attempt would either be a complete strike out or 'the charm.' He hoped for the latter )

Open to Alison
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Tuesday, May 26th, 2009

Who: Arthur Centino and Alison Blaire
NPCs: Jessica Biel, other cast members, waitstaff, possible media
When: April 16th, 2005. Evening.
Where: A lavish party in Hollywood, California.
What: A meet and greet party for Arthur's upcoming action movie, Bullets where he meets Alison for the first time, who has herself been cast for a small supporting role.
Rating: PG

Upon First Meeting )

Open to Dazzler
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