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Oct. 18th, 2013


Group Thread: The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny (Any & All!)

Characters: Any & Everyone that can fight or wants to
NPCs: Charles Xavier, Ares, Sentinels & Eventually [REDACTED]
Location: New York City, NY, Various Areas
Timeline: October 19, 2013 [FORWARD-DATED]
Description: Ares comes for Xavier and finds that the Professor is stronger than he anticipated.
Rating: NSFW? Possible violence, definite mind-whamming.
OOC: There are parts of the city under attack. Subthread as needed, preferably in groups. Take down those sentinels!

A war was brewing and this battle would determine if it would end now or if there would be more fighting to come. )

Oct. 3rd, 2013


Log/Thread: Help Is On The Way

Characters: Kitty, Dominik, Petra, Remy (Open to other Underground Mutants)
NPCs: ---
Location: Westchester, then Morlock Tunnels, NYC
Timeline: 10/3/13 Evening
Description: Remy kidnaps Kitty to phase the inhibitor collars off their fellow mutants. Then he drops the collars off in Tony's bedroom.
Rating: PG-13

It was only a matter of time before the tracking devices in the collars brought the MRD into the tunnels. Something had to be done. )

Sep. 23rd, 2013


Texts: Scott to X-Men and Prospectives

To: Kitty
From: Scott

You have [6] new messages. )

To: Jean
From: Scott

You have [9] new messages. )

To: Warren
From: Scott

You have [5] new messages. )

To: Bobby
From: Scott

You have [5] new messages. )

To: Hank
From: Scott

You have [3] new messages. )

Sep. 7th, 2013


Text Message: Friend to Friend

To: Remy
From: Kitty
Date: 9/7/2013

you have (4) unread text(s) )

Sep. 6th, 2013


Text Messages: Her boys and registering

To: Bobby
From: Kitty
Date: 9/6/2013

you have (4) unread text(s) )

To: Scott
From: Kitty
Date: 9/6/2013

you have (4) unread text(s) )

Aug. 21st, 2013


Thread: Ice, Shadow, and Recon

Characters: Kitty and Bobby
NPCs: Guards
Location: MDC
Timeline: 8/21/2013, visiting hours – 6:30pm
Description: Kitty comes to visit Bobby and do a little recon
Rating: TBD

This place had to be cold... )

Aug. 20th, 2013


Texts: Laura discusses her plan

To: Scott and Kitty
From: Laura
Date: 8/20/13

you have (4) unread text(s) )

Aug. 15th, 2013


Text Messages: (2) X-Men

To: Scott, Laura
From: Kitty
Date: 8/15/2013 [late afternoon]

you have (1) unread text(s) )

Aug. 4th, 2013


Thread: Street Vendors FTW!

Characters: Amadeus Cho and Kitty Pryde
Location: New York City, Chinatown
Timeline: Sunday, August 4th
Description: Hanging out on Canal Street with their knock off bags, electronics, and fresh fish.
Rating: PG

They'd still be back on campus in time for the BBC's announcement. )

Jul. 10th, 2013


Text: Kitty to Scott

To: Scott
From: Kitty
Date: 10 July 2013

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News Article: MRA Approved by the House (Open to Reactions if Needed)

NPCs: Ben Urich
Location: The News! Internet! Everywhere!
Timeline: July 10th, 2013
Description: A new act was introduced in Congress and only now is the media is picking up on it! Womp womp.
Rating: PG

The Mutant Registration Act moves onto the Senate )

Jul. 5th, 2013


Text: X-Men Look Out For Each Other

To: Remy
From: Kitty
Date: morning, 5 July 2013 [slightly backdated]

you have (3) unread text(s) )

Jul. 4th, 2013


Thread: Independence Day (Open)

NPCs: [Subject to Change]
Location: Hudson Bay, New York, NY
Timeline: July 4th, 2013 [All Day]
Description: This year’s fireworks prove to be one that no one will ever forget.
Rating: PG-13
OOC: The “main” event will not be posted till this evening. We anticipate not a whole bunch of activity due that many of the players will be actually out watching the fireworks, but we don’t want to hinder others from enjoying some fun game time till things hitteth the faneth...againeth.

Happy Fourth of July! )

Jul. 1st, 2013



To: Haroun; Jono;
From: Jubilee;
Date: July 1, 2013

Inbox [2] )

To: Alison; Alex; Doug; Lorna; Jean; Laura; Scott; Meggan; Amadeus; Johnny; Patsy; Victor; Kevin; Kitty; Bobby; Pietro; Wanda; Julian;
From: Jubilee;
Date: July 1, 2013

Inbox [2] )

Jun. 13th, 2013


Thread: The X-Men Strike Back

Characters: Cyclops, Gambit, Iceman, Shadowcat, X-23
NPCs: Employees of Hellstrom Studios, Police Officers
Location: Hellstrom Studios
Timeline: Sunday, June 9, 2013, late.
Description: Having tracked down the people making the propaganda videos, Scott tests his team in the field.
Rating: TBD

They would have to take action to protect a world that feared and hated them. )

Jun. 6th, 2013


Log: Kitty and Scott hit the road!

Characters: Kitty, Scott
Location: Xavier’s side parking lot, the road, Coldstone Creamery, Bookshop
Timeline: [Backdated] Evening, 15 May 2013
Description: Scott teaches Kitty how to drive stick, treats her to a late birthday present, and then asks for a favor.
Rating: PG - But warning, so many adorable feels!

She was so excited about this adventure. She nearly phased out of the car. )

May. 29th, 2013


Roommates 2013-2014 School Year

To: All Xavier Students
From: Xorn Kuan-Yin
Date: Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Subject: Fall Roommate Request
Attachments: Roommate_Request_Form.PDF

You have 1 unread message(s) )

Apr. 16th, 2013


Emails: So many

From: ""
Subject: The video
Date: 16th April 2013

you have (1) unread emails(s) )

To: ""
From: ""
Subject: Checking in
Date: 16th April 2013

you have (1) unread emails(s) )

To: ""
From: ""
Subject: Checking in
Date: 16th April 2013

you have (1) unread emails(s) )

To: "Sage's Squad"
From: ""
Subject: FOH
Date: 16th April 2013

you have (1) unread emails(s) )

To: ""
From: ""
Subject: FOH
Date: 16th April 2013

you have (1) unread emails(s) )

Mar. 1st, 2013


Thread: Bermuda!

Characters: Open to all
NPCs: Open to all
Location: Bermuda!
Timeline: Friday, 3/1 thought Sunday, 3/3
Description: As mentioned, Anthony takes everyone to Bermuda for his sixteenth birthday.
Rating: PG-13ish? Who knows!
OOC: So yeah, whoever wants to be is in Bermuda for the weekend! Feel free to start new subthreads, or be a crazy maverick and start your own thread. It's all good. And I'm home all weekend and ready to RP, so feel free to just start stuff with my kiddos. I WILL DO ALL THE THINGS!

Howard grudgingly agreed. Or maybe not so grudgingly, Howard liked to show off too. )

Nov. 16th, 2012


backdated texts

To: Julia
From: Jay
Date: 15 November 2012; morning [backdated]

A mushy conversation between lovers~ )

To: Alex
From: Jay
Date: 15 November 2012; later morning [backdated]

You have 4 unread texts. )

To: Kitty
From: Jay
Date: 15 November 2012; later morning [backdated]

You have 4 unread texts. )

To: Alison
From: Jay
Date: 15 November 2012; later morning [backdated]

You have 3 unread texts. )

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