September 16th, 2014

[info]_mvp_ in [info]marvel_prep

LOG - Continued as Thread

Characters: Abby Boylen, Michael Van Patrick & Maybe Peter Parker Later
Location: Peter and Abby's apartment, New York City
Timeline: Sept 15, 2024
Description: Mike comes home from a SHIELD mission and visits with his favorite little sister.
Rating: TBD

Superheroing was Fun but Abby Decided that She liked Stability. )

[info]makestheshot in [info]marvel_prep

Mass Texting

To: Everyone In Clint's Contacts *
From: Barton
Date: 09/16/24

You have un-read texts )

*ooc: For reals, feel free to say Clint has your contact number if you want.

[info]lovesvintage in [info]marvel_prep

thread; tomkat shepherd [2024]

Characters: Kate & Tommy Shepherd
NPCs: -
Location: New York City
Timeline: 09/16/2024
Description: Kate and Tommy are super domestic. [log continued in comments]
Rating: PG-13 most likely

The bedroom was empty but not exactly tidy. )

[info]skysurfs in [info]marvel_prep

Log: Bittersweet (Kevin & Abby)

Characters: Abby Boylen and Kevin Ford
NPCs: -
Location: Starbucks, New York City
Timeline: Tuesday, August 16h, 2024
Description: Abby and Kevin catch up. Awkward small talk ensues.
Rating: PG

He looked through her, unable to accept the grown-up woman in front of him and still wished he could see his little barista. )

[info]partyhardy in [info]marvel_prep

thread; mr. & mrs. thompson [2024]

Characters: Black Cat & Venom
Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Timeline: 9/16/24 6:30PM
Description: Agent Hardy & Agent Thompson do a field mission
Rating: tbd

And then this happened. )

[info]undefusable in [info]marvel_prep

[Log] The Soon-to-be Godfather

Characters: Peter Parker & Tabitha Smith-Osborn.
NPCs: ---
Location: The Osborns’ Penthouse, NYC.
Timeline: September 16, 2024.
Description: Tabitha puts Peter through some trials to make sure he’s godfather material.
Rating: Medium.

Peter had a good idea of what a godfather was supposed to do, and it certainly didn't involve making offers people couldn't refuse. )

[info]_gumbo in [info]marvel_prep

Thread: Respite

Characters: Wolverine & Gambit
NPCs: Yakuza members, Samurai, Ninjas and the like all referenced.
Location: Agarashima, Japan
Timeline: April 8th, 2022 [backdated]
Description: After an epic battle, Logan and Remy decompress over a cup of noodles.
Rating: PG-13

He took another bite of noodles. )

[info]_gumbo in [info]marvel_prep

Thread: That Straight Edge

Characters: Charlie & Remy
NPCs: random New Yorkers
Location: Trick Shots, random pool hall in NYC
Timeline: Sept 15, 2024 [backdated]
Description: Drinks are had, pool is played, cheaters always prosper.
Rating: PG-13

You're up, homme! )

[info]webtastic in [info]marvel_prep

Thread: Awkward Meetings (Peter & MJ)

Characters: Peter Parker & MJ Watson
Location: Central Park
Timeline: Sept. 16, 2024, morning
Description: Peter and MJ see each other for the first time in a while. Awkward taaaaahm!
Rating: PG, for now

I wasn't expecting to see you here. )

[info]_ofthedamned in [info]marvel_prep


To: St. John Allerdyce
From: Unknown
Date: Sept 16, 2024

Inbox [1] )

[info]squirrel_girl in [info]marvel_prep

Email: Staff Senate News

To: Xavier and Stark Staff Mailing List
From: Doreen Green
Date: 9/16/2024
Subject: Memo: Staff Meeting )

[info]gertrudeyorkes in [info]marvel_prep

Log: Hanging out at SHIELD (Gert & Amadeus)

Characters: Gertrude Yorkes & Amadeus Cho
NPCs: Random SHIELD Agents
Location: SHIELD HQ
Timeline: September 15, 2024, midday
Description: Amadeus comes in to consult SHIELD and he hangs out with Gert where they laugh at all the SHIELD agents.
Rating: PG

How long have you been chasing this one? )

[info]curse_you in [info]marvel_prep

Narrative: Something Rotten in the State of Latveria

Characters: Doctor Doom
NPCs: ---
Location: Latveria
Timeline: Sept 14, 2024 (relatively-backdated)
Description: One of the most powerful men in the world has a problem.
Rating: PG

The plans were as tremendous as they were terrible, and without question they had sprung from his mind. )

[info]curse_you in [info]marvel_prep

Thread: Livings with the Dooms

Characters: Victor von Doom and Jane Foster
NPCs: ---
Location: Wyoming
Timeline: Sept 15, 2024 (relatively-backdated)
Description: Doom looks for help from his estranged wife.
Rating: PG-13

he found himself wanting someone who could help him think through things. Someone who wasn't afraid to counter his train of thought.  )

[info]epic_veil in [info]marvel_prep

[Log] Rekindle

Characters: Maddy Berry & Danny Rand.
NPCs: ---
Location: New York City.
Timeline: September 16, 2024.
Description: After breaking up for many years, Danny and Maddy try to rekindle their relationship.
Rating: Low.

Movies and books lied. Love couldn't conquer all. )

[info]regardingharry in [info]marvel_prep

Log: Important Questions & Answers

Characters: Harry Osborn & Tabitha Smith.
NPCs: ---
Location: Tabitha’s Apartment, Chinatown, New York.
Timeline: “Backdated” - 2021
Description: Harry proposes to Tabby. In his Harry kind of way.
Rating: Shockling rather G-like.

'Together all the time like how? What're you sayin'?' )

[info]thecoldsoldier in [info]marvel_prep


To: Rogers
From: Barnes
Date: 09/16/24

You have un-read messages )

[info]luckydomino in [info]marvel_prep

Thread: Unexpected Encounters (Neena & Phil, 2024)

Characters: Neena Thurman and Phil Coulson
NPCs: --
Location: The old coffee shop in town
Timeline: Afternoon 09/16/24
Description: Neena is forced to take a long look at her life choices.
Rating: Low

It was actually still the same comfy couch as before... )

[info]madmadison in [info]marvel_prep

Narrative: Quiet. Peace. Routine.

Characters: Madison
NPCs: ---
Location: Calgary, Alberta - Psychiatric hospital
Timeline: Tuesday, August 16h, 2024
Description: Lunchtime.
Rating: G

He liked the peace, he liked the (relative) quiet, and he *loved* the routine. )

[info]catnipjunkie in [info]marvel_prep


To: Amadeus
From: Greer
Date: Sept. 16, 2024

Inbox [3] )

To: Jen
From: Greer
Date: Sept. 16, 2024

Inbox [2] )

To: Remy
From: Greer
Date: Sept. 16, 2024

Inbox [1] )

[info]lovesvintage in [info]marvel_prep

thread; mommy times [2024]

Characters: Kate Shepherd & Jean Allerdyce
NPCs: Rachelle Allerdyce, Elly & Dani Bishop
Location: New York City Mall
Timeline: 09/17/2024
Description: Jean takes Kate shopping for baby things and they bond over mom stuffs-ish.
Rating: PG most likely

“Who knew buying baby clothes was so time and energy consuming?” )

[info]mrstretch in [info]marvel_prep

Thread: What do they say about great minds?

Characters: Victor von Doom & Reed Richards
NPCs: --
Location: Baxter Building, Manhattan
Timeline: Sept 16, 2024
Description: Reed drops a cryptic note at a press conference and Victor picks up on it and comes to Baxter to discuss.
Rating: PG-13

It wasn't supposed to be a Tuesday in 2024 )

[info]princepanther in [info]marvel_prep

Narrative: Suitors

Characters: T'Challa
NPCs: Shuri and Jakarra
Location: Wakanda
Timeline: Sept 16, 2024
Description: T'Challa dodges out of a line of suitors and goes to hunt poachers in the African planes with his half-siblings instead.
Rating: PG-13

T'Challa led the way, leaving his guards behind and enjoying the freedom of flight that took him away from the pending need to choose a Queen. )

January 2016



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