25 April 2011 at 07:55 pm
[Beautiful rain. The cold wet has always been so soothing to the pair of them, and they've currently settled themselves in the park to better enjoy it, crouched on the ground like some massive, breathing gargoyle. The only thing that moves is their tongue, and it slithers about almost mindlessly, touching their cheeks and occasionally catching some of the moisture, though they never seem to drink it.]

What a lovely morning... So nice and dark. Why can't it just rain forever, mm? That's what umbrellas are for...

[Murmuring to themselves, each statement occasionally punctured with a deep rasp of a chuckle. If anyone's up at this early hour and brave enough to muck about in the wet, feel free to say hello!]
The 112th Day
25 April 2011 at 08:37 pm
Marina Asylum Denizens
Good morning, inmates. It is the 112th day of the third generation. The rain will continue today in order to finish cleaning up from yesterday's festivities. I am pleased to see so many of you took place in the Holi celebration; hopefully, after yesterday, you will keep in mind that not all activities must revolve around violence.

Inmate Zinda Blake, the item you requested is available by the entrance to Sector 0.
[Action | Open]
25 April 2011 at 09:37 pm
[Allelujah's up early, the robot coming to remove his restraint early in the morning. He's heard the announcement - it's going to rain - but he doesn't mind. Rain isn't something he's really wandered in for a while.]

[He heads out of the Shelter, looking around at the streets. He starts walking - there's no way he's going to cover all of this area before breakfast, or even today, but he can get started.]

[[ooc; Allelujah is wandering all over! Just put the sector number in your header so I know where your character is running into him. :3]]