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May. 12th, 2009


[Filtered to [info]not_a_bda]

Oh God... Clark. Something's wrong.

May. 9th, 2009


Oh, great.

There's a new me I shared headspace with, and she will not shut up and it's annoying the life out of me. She keeps talking about banging Lana's son. Which... the kid is kind of hot, but that's not the point. He's Lana's son. *makes the crazy lady head/desk*

Woman, where the hell do you come up with this shit?

May. 6th, 2009


Man, what the hell? Some weirdo on livejournal is writing dirty sexual things about me and Clark, and then wrote something and said I... hurt Kara. I would never hurt Kara! Kara is... I love Kara. It makes me and the crazy lady sick to think I'd do that to her.

*is not crying right now*

May. 4th, 2009


Did you know there's a version of me on LJ that's in love with Dr. O?



This is so not a good birthday present. (May 9, by the way.)

Apr. 27th, 2009


Seeing as everyone is currently annoyed by me...

I'm taking a break.


Dear crazy girl,

I know you still have the inspiration to deal with me, and I am still talking to you. unlike other another blonde from my verse

So if you want to do something with me, why won't you? You have prompts you could write for me, or you could actually play with me, you know.

Please, just... make up your mind.

Absolutely no love,

Chloe Joanne Kent

P.S. Please make a journal for Andie and Britney so they'll shut the heck up.

Apr. 13th, 2009


[Filtered against [info]not_a_bda and [info]sv_redhead]

Asking this lady for advice? Probably not a great idea. She's not exactly much help.

God, I want to kick myself right now. Which probably isn't good, considering my current condition. I shouldn't be this depressed, should I? I mean... I'm pregnant. It's not like someone died. I should be happy. Instead, all I feel is... guilt.

Mar. 28th, 2009


So there's two other mes floating around in this crazy girl's head. I think she should get us a livejournal, but she keeps yelling at me and telling me no. There's others who think we should have one, too, but she's still saying no. Something about having too many of us at livejournal. I don't think she means "us" as in mes. I think she means "us" as in the other people in the headspace. She has 99% of her Chloes there, and most of her Clarks, and she even has a Bart. Why can't she have me? It's just kind of mean, I think. She even likes me now, so what's the problem? I WANT IN ON THE FUN, TOO. and I wanna have a Kara to flirt with

Mar. 27th, 2009


...Oh, my God.

I'm pregnant.

Oh, great... married and pregnant with a girlfriend on the side.

Mar. 20th, 2009


[Filtered to [info]healingtears]

Hey, baby. Feeling okay?

And... I might just be making excuses to talk to you right now.

Mar. 19th, 2009


[Filtered to [info]drkprincesslana and [info]gumaddict]

Hey, girls. Your James/Jimbo is bored, and maybe a little horny.

You girls wanna give me a little peep show or something? It'd make Big Jimbo awfully happy...


[Filtered to [info]super_sidekick]



[Filtered to [info]not_a_bda]

Hey, are you gonna talk to your wife anytime soon? She's kind of freaking out all over the headspace. It's kind of giving me a headache.

Mar. 18th, 2009


[Filtered against [info]not_a_bda and Lanas]

Oh, shit. This can't be good.

I think I'm in love with her.


Filtered from [info]super_sidekick

Sometimes I feel like I don't even know her.

Mar. 17th, 2009


Could someone please tell Veritas, who is so strangely wearing my face, and Miss weird sci-fi/horror/"My boyfriend was a cult leader" girl to get the fuck out of my headspace? They're annoying the shit out of me.

[Filtered from all Clarks and [info]isisreborn]

Oh, and someone? Needs to stay the fuck away from my husband. Doesn't she have her own Clark and a freaking Oliver and a damn Sam Winchester to play with? Bitch needs to keep her damn paws off MY HUSBAND.


Today is the crazy girl's birthday. She's so old. Like [info]stillsuper!Clark. I'm laughing so hard at her. And she thinks she's losing her mind, so that adds to the oldness.

Mar. 16th, 2009


Adam freaking Park trusts my opinion. How fucking cool is that

Mar. 15th, 2009


Filtered to [info]earthdefender

This icon makes me giggle.


[Filtered against [info]reporter_boy, [info]destinedgirl, and [info]kar_el]

I like Carter and all, he's a sweet boy, but... God, I miss Clark. I may just be some dumb blonde, and I might not be some super-special farmgirl, but I actually love him. I loved him before Chloe ever did. It's not fair... I thought we were gonna get married someday. I even had my wedding dress picked out. It was orange. :(

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