Dec. 19th, 2013


+1 Physicist [Thor 2 Spoilers]

Hi! I'm Alex, and I am bringing Jane Foster to Mandalus. My plurk is ravynstoneabbey, and my AIM is ravynabbey, and I am looking forward to playing with everyone here. I will be super slow until after Christmas, thanks to retail.

Jane is being brought fresh from her five hour tour of various spatial and temporal anomalies, and has a nice little present for anyone who touches her with intent to harm. Oops. I've not developed a plan for the removal of said infection yet, as right now Jane has no idea she had even been infected, but I am open to discussion for options that will work for everyone.

Dec. 17th, 2013


return of the souffle girl

You missed her. Didn't you? Of course you did.

Holmes here with the return of Clara "Oswin" Oswald, newly updated from the 50th Anniversary special. Except the poor thing hasn't finished that adventure. So she'll be very antsy to get back to stop the Doctor from doing something he'll regret 11ever. She is back with all of her Mandalus memories, so everyone totally come and bug her! New CR is demanded and welcomed.

Also she teaches now. Teaching is cool.

And effectively, this is how she'll be:


"You mean the sky snake still isn't dead wat."

Sep. 27th, 2013


+1 monk to mother all of you

Holmes again everyone. You can basically blame Lynn, Cupcake and Misu for this one.

Everyone say hello to Tifa Lockhart of Final Fantasy VII fame. She'll be coming in from after the climax of Advent Children (Complete). Which means she is a complete mother bear with two kids and needing to kick Cloud into gear. But, because she's Tifa? Everyone has an automatic +1 to big sister/mother figure who gives you booze when her bar shows up in a few weeks.

She's under powered right now due to the Bangle Enforcement (I just made that title up). Otherwise you'd be seeing a giant Cult sized crater in the ground.

As always you can find me @ plurk at whisperingstars or on AIM @ holmesish. Once I figure out g-chat I'll be there too.

Sep. 19th, 2013


+1 to the FF XIII cast

Hi all,

I'm Lynn and I'm new here bringing in Hope Estheim from Final Fantasy VIII-2. He's post game so this place will definitely be interesting to him. I'll be posting an intro post for him soon and I'm glad to be here and I'm really looking forward to playing with others in game!

Jun. 12th, 2013


+ one impossible souffle girl

One muse goes, another comes, that's kind of how life goes with RP. This is Holmes and welcome to Jackass and say hello to Clara Oswald from Doctor Who. She's being pulled from the end of the latest episode, so basically, anyone that has seen it I am sorry in advance for heart shatter.

But she's basically precious so okay guys look:

Clara is a girl from 2013, a nanny, someone who wants to see the world, and one of the few people who knows everything about the mysterious Time Lord. EXCITING HUH. Oh, also, she's sort of a super hacker because she got stuck in a data cloud and ended up having computer knowledge installed in her brain. That's always fun.

As always you can find me AT PLURK or on AIM at holmesish. So, everyone, come plot with the girl who will fail at making every souffle ever.

Jun. 11th, 2013


+1 superhuman baddie

Haallooo, Mandalus!

I'm Holly, and I'm really happy to have been invited to join your game ^__^ After having been horribly awesomely enabled, I'm bringing in John Harrison here, the villain from Star Trek Into Darkness. Since the movie's still new, I will try to be vague and keep spoilers to a minimum in my tags for the people who haven't seen it.

Otherwise, anyone got any naive fools takers who wanna get manipulated be friends with Harrison here?

You can find me on plurk @ kalinda99 for all the plottings. My AIM is ichliebeuni.

Very much looking forward to this!

Jun. 2nd, 2013


+1 Star Spangled Dork


My name's Sam and I'm joining with my Steeeeeeve. I'm bringing him in right from the point where he comes out of the experiment. So he technically isn't Captain America just yet. I'm sure someone will spill the beans on that issue eventually.

Big thanks to Peggy's Mun for directing my attentions here ^_^

The cast here looks amazing! I'm genuinely excited to play here, but you will have to be patient with me for two reasons:

1) My internship and degree are finishing up in the next couple of weeks, so I'm quite slow for the moment. Apologies! Things will speed up after the 11th June AEST (Sydney Time).

2) InsaneJournal is...insane. The notifications aren't working the same (idk if it's a bug or just me), but I'm still getting my head around them. If anyone knows how to get everything actually sent via email, that would be great. At the moment I'm not getting anything :/

Notifs seem to be working...for the moment...

If you want to add me on Plurk, it's reversingpolarity. I tend not to be around on AIM much, and when I am I forget that I'm signed in and just wander off. So, really, the best way to contact me is via Plurk

I think that's it? I believe that Steve's neighbour is Thor. dis gunna be good.

May. 11th, 2013


+1 Super Temp

Hey guys, Kristina here bringing in muse #2 - everyone's favourite (or least favourite) time travelling ginger - Donna Noble from Doctor Who.

She's currently sans memories of her time travelling adventures but beware standing too close to her when she regains them. It could be explosive.

Apr. 29th, 2013


And the baby makes three!

Hey everyone! Alison again, and now I have my third troll character in the game! He will also be my youngest.

Let me introduce you to Ben Braeden. Yes, those of you familiar with Supernatural, it's the son that Dean Winchester would have been proud to call his own - and did for about a year until he screwed it all up.

The last time canon saw Ben, he was 12 (season 6 for those curious). With mod permission, I have aged him up to the age he'd be in the current season - 14 - and given him the slice of pie life that Dean hoped the Braedens would have after Cas wiped any trace of Dean from their memories.

The full app is here if you're curious.

Ben is going to be coming in with his mind wipe still firmly in place, which means that he has NO IDEA who anyone in his own cast is. He's just the typical 14 year old smooth-talking CW teenager with a few chips on his shoulder.

As always, I'm still on plurk and AIM if you need me or want to plot.

Feb. 26th, 2013


If Pinocchio falls over alone in a forest... does anyone hear him scream?

Hey everyone! So yes, it's me Alison. And here is the second boy in my head that is probably more adorable and yet probably not the kind of boy than you ever want your daughters to fall for.

Meet August Booth. Also known as Pinocchio.

And yes, ladies, he probably knows every single "morning wood" joke known to man.

Now, here's a little thing: August is from episode 2.02. Which means he is in wooden boy form.

Only... not everyone can see him in that form.

Confusing? I have it all explained here in his permissions post. If you don't fall into the castmates section, you just need to ask permission before you can assume that your character can see him all woody.

So um... let the games begin! And Rabbit - no more fire in the apartment. Wooden boys and fire don't mix

Jan. 23rd, 2013


/rolls in


This is Danny Fenton. He's a teenager who acts like a little brat half the time. Still, he means well. He's just kind of entitled, like any other teenager.

He also kind of has ghost powers. And comes from a town where ghosts are a thing, and everyone kind of hates them. So he gets chased around a lot, while trying to be a superhero. It sucks.

But yes, I hope to have some fun with him here! AND I REALIZE I ALREADY POSTED AND KIND OF FORGOT TO DO AN OOC POST FOR HIM, BUT SHHHH. And since I don't know how to end posts, HERE'S A GIF!


Jan. 15th, 2013


aw yeah guess who

Hey everyone, it's Lex! I'm gonna be bringing in this bad boy, Claire Stanfield from Baccano! Basically he's a notorious circus-performer-turned-assassin with a solipsistic world view, and he's just so very glad to meet all of you. More info can be found on his journal if you're curious (or better yet, go watch Baccano! it's fantastic and it's only 16 episodes).

He also kills people in very creative and thorough ways, so if you'd like to avoid any mention of blood/gore even in passing, please let me know.

If you don't have me on plurk, feel free to add me @ dirigible!

Jan. 14th, 2013



My name is Jessica, and I bring you King Henry VIII from The Tudors! I'm bringing him to you just after Anne Boleyn was beheaded, at the end of season two.

My AIM is shredsofvanity.

Glad to be here :)

Jan. 13th, 2013



Hello, hello, [info]mandalus! This is Holmes bringing you another space-fairing glorious looking man: James T. Kirk from Star Trek XI (aka ST09). Coming to you all as the newly appointed Captain of the USS Enterprise, he's going to be beaming in and meeting all you lovely bitches:

It'll hold me over until Into Darkness. Right? ....right?

ANYWAYS if you'd like to plot with this newb Captain, you can find me on AIM @ magnuscharm or PLURK @ whisperingstars.

I will drag you all into Trek with me.