January 3rd, 2014

[info]likely_evil in [info]mandalusooc


So guys, I'm sure my silence in posting has been noticeable for awhile now. But with the new year I need to face facts and Sam isn't really talking to me a lot these days, alone with canon Ben.

After thinking for awhile on it, I think it's time for me to bow out of the game. Thank you all SO MUCH for inviting me in and letting me be a part of this wonderful little game community.

I'm not defriending a single one of you on plurk because I still want to be a part of your online world. YOU WILL NEVER BE RID OF ME. But it's also because you are all a great group of people and you've all been welcoming and wonderful to me since day 1.

Thanks again, and I'm sure I'll see you all again somewhere on the internet again soon.