April 29th, 2013

[info]peggy_carter in [info]mandalusooc

You have no idea how to talk to a woman, do you?

Hello all!

I'm Batty bringing this wonderful, spirited, spunky dame to the city. Peggy Carter will be coming in shortly after the events of the film Captain America; the First Avenger. She's going to be a bit melancholy but driven.

Me on the other hand am funny and chatty, also spirited! So please do not hesitate to say hi. I'm on plurk under msbatty and aim under singularlygifted.

I do work full time so there are times of the day (USA EST) where I have limited to no availability to chat, but after work I am good to go.

Can't wait to get things going and meet all you great people!

[info]wayward_ben in [info]mandalusooc

And the baby makes three!

Hey everyone! Alison again, and now I have my third troll character in the game! He will also be my youngest.

Let me introduce you to Ben Braeden. Yes, those of you familiar with Supernatural, it's the son that Dean Winchester would have been proud to call his own - and did for about a year until he screwed it all up.

The last time canon saw Ben, he was 12 (season 6 for those curious). With mod permission, I have aged him up to the age he'd be in the current season - 14 - and given him the slice of pie life that Dean hoped the Braedens would have after Cas wiped any trace of Dean from their memories.

The full app is here if you're curious.

Ben is going to be coming in with his mind wipe still firmly in place, which means that he has NO IDEA who anyone in his own cast is. He's just the typical 14 year old smooth-talking CW teenager with a few chips on his shoulder.

As always, I'm still on plurk and AIM if you need me or want to plot.