March 14th, 2013

[info]crazylikefawkes in [info]mandalusooc

Somebody order a large ham?

Hello! I'm Brittany, and I'm joining Mandalus with one of the most melodramatic characters you'll ever meet: V, of V for Vendetta. (Comic version!) He's talkative, theatrical, and a troublesome sort.

I look forward to playing with you lovely people, and ought to be bringing V in within the week. Kiwi enabled me in. My email is, and you can ping me at sageofdarkness13 on AIM. (It's often on invisible while I'm working, so feel free to leave messages.)

[info]mandalusmods in [info]mandalusooc

»» EVENTS: March - Genre Swap

»» EVENTS: March - Genre Swap
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