May. 19th, 2011



So I've been fairly MIA recently, started back in April because finals crept up, and then packing and moving out crept up, and then tears and fighting crept up after grades came out and some were bad. And then the getting up at 6:30am because of work over summer killed, but I think I'm settling back in.

And the reason for the rambling! I have Random Pairings that need doing before the month is out!

My Logan Danvers [info]danvers_jr is paired with Kara Thrace [info]shutthefrakup.
My Rose Weasley [info]roseinbloom is paired with Nymphadora Tonks [info]rainbowish.

Plotting, talking, or do I just throw random stuff at the wall and see if it sticks?

Apr. 21st, 2011


Just to let all in game know, I'll be MIA-ish for the weekend. With it being Easter, I'm expected home and lord am I really paying for it...
But because I'm headed home, I'm looking to take advantage of the quiet time and clean in order to prepare for my coming home for good in May because Hellz to the Yeah (God I hate that I'm taking an Ashley Tisdale line...) I'm Graduating! Which coincidentally is also why I've been Hella slow.

But yes, MIA-ish until Sunday night/Monday morning pending how I feel after the train ride that gets in around midnight Sunday night.

This affects Rose Weasley [info]roseinbloom, Chuck Bass [info]maskedxdevil, & Logan Danvers [info]danvers_jr - I know I've been crappy with him, I'll be better I swear!


Apr. 14th, 2011


Hey all, I know I've been kind of completely disappeared off the face of the map. Life kind of ate me the last couple weeks. And while I want to say I'll be better this weekend, but I have a weekend class that runs Friday night until fucking late and then all Saturday. After class I'm running from my Uni to spend the remainder of the weekend and skipping classes Monday with my friend for her birthday.

So what I'm saying is, I'm very sorry I've been missing. I haven't forgotten about open threads, I swear! Logan should be tagging before my weekend class starts if I can get this headache gone first. And I shall! be back on Tuesday at the latest! And then expect me to be a LOT more active.


Apr. 5th, 2011


Potato chips. New characters are seriously like potato chips!
Lizzy, back with a new character, surprise, surprise.

This is Logan Danvers from Women of the Otherworld. He's not as bitty here as he is in the books, but then since she's looking to end the series after the third installment of Savannah, we shall probably never see him not bitty unless Kelley spoils us with short stories later on. Anywho. For those that know the series, Elena and Clay's boy. For those that don't, Logan is a werewolf, one half of a set of twins, and the son of the alpha of his Pack. He and his sister were the first two ever born to a male and female werewolf, as his mother iswas the only living female werewolf in his world at the time. His sister makes number two. They were both hunted by Mutts (what his world calls most wolves that aren't Pack, but mainly the ones that cause trouble and chaos wherever they go with no want to follow Pack Law) and because they were his father and he himself are very protective of his mother and sister. It's part of where his very strong urge to protect family and friends comes from, though the wolf in him also says that. He's also helped been raised by Nick, who is the Pack's perpetual bachelor, so he can be a bit of a flirt if a pretty woman catches his attention.

Any plot, every plot, he's up for. AIM is boundxkitty and email is so feel free to contact me if you want something.



Logan Danvers | Women of the Otherworld | [info]danvers_jr | Lizzy
Kellin | The Chronicles of the Cheysuli | [info]notahlmorra | Penny
Mary Winchester | Supernatural | [info]beforemytime | Penny

Apr. 2nd, 2011


Hey all! Lizzy here with character number two. trying to jump fast to four...not working so well

Rose Weasley from Harry Potter, daughter to Hermione and Ron Weasley. She tends to take after her mother a lot, though she has the Weasley temper and stubborn-ness. They really must be a fun family when arguments break out with how many of them there are, especially post-series. On top of everything else, she was sorted, played for in Quidditch, and than graduated from Slytherin House. Since graduating, she's been going to Uni for a music major. She wants to be the next Weird Sisters without needing other people in the band, unless family would like to be part of her band.

She's open for any and all plot! Just throw it at me! She won't be coming in until tomorrow though because ...I need sleep. I'm up before 9am tomorrow morning. Stupid work on a Saturday.

Apr. 1st, 2011



Brittany Pierce | Glee | [info]cool_epilepsy | Brianna
Rose Weasley | Harry Potter | [info]roseinbloom | Lizzy
Harry Potter | Harry Potter | [info]son_of_martyrs | Matt
Luna Lovegood | Harry Potter | [info]oddwitch | Cait
Serena van der Woodsen | Gossip Girl | [info]itgirl_serena | Arielle

Mar. 27th, 2011


Oh Hia!

I'm Lizzy, new to the game, though I think I recognize a couple people around here. Maybe. Then again, maybe you're just part of my imagination. ^_^

I bring you! Chuck Bass from Gossip Girl. He'll be coming from the end of season three, after he waited at the top of the Empire State Building for Blair and she never showed because unbeknowest to him she was with Dorota at the hospital. He's being pulled before he has the chance to screw everything to hell by sleeping with Jenny though.

As always, I'm up for plotting, just poke, prod, or otherwise corral me. Just be kind if it's about new people, those that know me on here know how weak and bitty I am to knew headvoices.
AIM: boundxkitty



Blair Waldorf | Gossip Girl | [info]shelikespeonies | Kristi
Chuck Bass| Gossip Girl | [info]maskedxdevil | Lizzy

Also, mod note :), Ryah has her new power cord! Which means I have access to my laptop again and all my fancy HTML code. So for those who apped a character within the last two week can you please take a look at the following posts:

Player Contact
The Taken Page
The Housing Page

And if I'm missing anything about you or your characters please respond to those posts (if you haven't already, I know there are a few responses I need to update already).

Thanks muchly!