Oct. 6th, 2013


Mod Stuff (Activity and Tags)

Hi, everyone!

We're going to do everything a little bit differently this month, so far as activity goes. Actually, I'm going to be doing everyone's activity this month, instead of having a check. I think it'll be better and easier for everyone involved. Players will simply be asked to check into a roll-call.

The requirements are the same as ever:

50 point minimum.
1 Thread
1 Open Network
1 Interaction with someone outside your fandom.

If you want to keep track yourself, feel free, but it's not required.

But the one thing I need you guys to do for me is TAGS. I'm going through (as many of you have noticed), and adding tags to things where I see them, but remember - you won't get credit for things that aren't tagged. So PLEASE try to make sure you put your player tag on everything that you post.

I've also noticed there's been a bit of confusion about what constitutes an open or closed network.

An open network is anything that is open to everyone in game, or a significant group of people. This would include networks open to "all magic users" or "all people under the age of 20," for instance. Anything that applies to a group of people NOT LIMITED BY FANDOM counts as an open thread.

A closed thread is anything that is locked to one person, or several people by name, or a thread locked to a certain fandom (ie, "Dresden people").

If a thread is open, but also has a closed filter (for instance, this post) - it will be treated as a closed thread (worth 5 points) to those who respond solely to the filter.

Any questions?

We'll see how this works this month, and go from there. :)