Nov. 1st, 2013


Activity Check Results!

Happy November, everyone!

I just want to say that October was a wonderful month for us! We had a lot of activity, we got a lot of new players, and I enjoyed it immensely. I want to give my love to each and every one of you for making it such a wonderful month of RP.

I'd love to hear your ideas of where you'd like to have the plot go this month! I have a general direction in mind, but I'd love to hear what you guys would like to do with it too. This is not my game, but our game, and I want everyone to continue having fun with it.

I have completed the Activity Check for everyone, and I am very pleased with the results. If you will need to do a catch-up month in November (THE LAST MONTH THIS WILL BE AN OPTION)) you will have received an e-mail by the time you read this.

Your activity check results are in, and are as follows:

Drum Roll Please... )

Oct. 28th, 2013


Activity Check on Friday, and other Mod Stuff

The Activity Check will be held Friday, November 1, 2013!

I'm going to be doing the activity check myself, and I will post it on November 1, so you can see what you've got, and how you're doing. If you don't meet the 50 point minimum, or if you don't have a thread, you'll have next month to earn 75 points - THIS IS THE LAST MONTH THIS WILL BE AN OPTION. Any characters who don't make the 75 points will be removed from the game on December 1.

NOTE: If you joined the game after October 20, you only have to post your character once in either a network or a thread.

The following characters have not yet met the 50 point minimum:
Read more... )

The following characters have not yet posted (or replied to) a thread:
Read more... )

If you need a thread, there are a bunch that have been posted and not replied to!

Fix getting beat up
Kvothe getting in trouble at school
Roland practicing target shooting
Thomas at Madison Valley's only nightclub
Annie Cresta having a freak out
Jo Harvelle target practicing


Match-ups didn't go so well this month, but I'd still like to do them - I really enjoy them. Remember, Match-ups are worth 50 points each, and since they'll be with someone not in your fandom, they fulfill all the requirements for activity. One thread! That's it.

If you're interested in signing up for match-ups, please comment to this post with the characters you'd like to have included (it is entirely voluntary, and you can include all, none, or just a couple of your characters) by THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31 and I'll give you all the new Match-ups for November.

Thanks, and keep on being awesome. :D


Oct. 6th, 2013


Mod Stuff (Activity and Tags)

Hi, everyone!

We're going to do everything a little bit differently this month, so far as activity goes. Actually, I'm going to be doing everyone's activity this month, instead of having a check. I think it'll be better and easier for everyone involved. Players will simply be asked to check into a roll-call.

The requirements are the same as ever:

50 point minimum.
1 Thread
1 Open Network
1 Interaction with someone outside your fandom.

If you want to keep track yourself, feel free, but it's not required.

But the one thing I need you guys to do for me is TAGS. I'm going through (as many of you have noticed), and adding tags to things where I see them, but remember - you won't get credit for things that aren't tagged. So PLEASE try to make sure you put your player tag on everything that you post.

I've also noticed there's been a bit of confusion about what constitutes an open or closed network.

An open network is anything that is open to everyone in game, or a significant group of people. This would include networks open to "all magic users" or "all people under the age of 20," for instance. Anything that applies to a group of people NOT LIMITED BY FANDOM counts as an open thread.

A closed thread is anything that is locked to one person, or several people by name, or a thread locked to a certain fandom (ie, "Dresden people").

If a thread is open, but also has a closed filter (for instance, this post) - it will be treated as a closed thread (worth 5 points) to those who respond solely to the filter.

Any questions?

We'll see how this works this month, and go from there. :)

Sep. 30th, 2013


Activity for September

This has been a really bad month for a lot of people activity-wise (including me), so this month I'm going to waive the activity requirement.

I would like it if you would still fill out the activity check form, so that you can collect what points you earned this month, but there is no minimum requirement. The only way you can be booted from the game this month is if you fail to respond to this at all.

So! Please reply to this by October 7!

Aug. 29th, 2013


Activity Check!

And another month is gone and it's time for the Activity Check!

This is our first full month, so that means that in order to pass the Activity Check, you need 50 points per character. If your character arrived after 8/15, only 25 points are required. If your character arrived after 8/25, you simply need to check in.

You must have at least one thread/network/comm per character where you have interacted with a character outside of your fandom.

If you do not meet activity this month, you will have to do 1.5x the minimum amount (75 points) in order to keep your character in the game.

Anyone who does not reply to the activity check will be removed from game. (You will receive an e-mail one day before the check is over, if you have not checked in.)

The Activity Check will last from today, 8-29-2013 to one week from today, 9-5-2013, at 8:00pm EASTERN STANDARD TIME.

Activity since your last activity check through 8-31 will count for this activity check.


Copy and paste the form below and post it in a comment to this post.