June 2024

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September 2nd, 2013

[info]cassiopeiablack in [info]madisonooc

So the summer holiday's over and I'm back at work today! I'll still be around a lot (because I'm far too addicted to writing here) but I won't have computer access 8AM-5PM GMT on weekdays. I'm up crazy early during term-time, so I'll be around before that quite a bit, and in the evenings as usual. :)

[info]loves_abeast in [info]madisonooc

So clearly last month was rough for me, being my first full month out on the floor at my job (and having a sucktackular schedule--that probably won't change, but I'm getting used to it, and also now have a cell phone so I can occasionally tag during breaks), so I dropped the ball a bit with the girls, especially Mandy.

Which is why I'm going to try to start this month out right so I'm not frantically adding up my points on the 25th. Anyone want to set up some plot with either Mandy or Belle, hit me up here.

[info]truehuntress in [info]madisonooc

I Need A Change

So, I've been thinking of changing Jo's username because she's a far cry from where she was when I first created the journal years ago. However, I'm coming up against a wall with name ideas. The ones I want seem to be taken and the only one isn't is huntressheart, but I'm not sure about it.

Helpful suggestions are very welcomed right now, guys. Help?

[info]madisonmod in [info]madisonooc


Rumplestiltskin | Once Upon a Time | [info]rumpelstilzchen | Lyana

[info]rumpelstilzchen in [info]madisonooc


Hello! I'm Lyana, and I'll be playing Rumpelstiltskin from ONCE. I'm excited to start here! Just going to go ahead and do a nice intro post in the IC to get started.

[info]dontbedead in [info]madisonooc

Hello everyone!!

I'm bringing Jane Foster from MCU: Thor to the game! She's coming from post-Avengers/Pre-Thor 2.

As always, she and Eric Northman are up for plots!!
