June 2024

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July 13th, 2013

[info]madisonmod in [info]madisonooc

Pollux Black | Harry Potter | [info]pollux_black | Iggy

We now have nine characters approved! Six more and we can open!

[info]madisonmod in [info]madisonooc

Eames | Inception | [info]_mreames_ | Tracey
Jake Sully | Avatar | [info]_skxawng | Tracey

We now have eleven approved characters! Four more and we can open!

[info]madisonmod in [info]madisonooc

Hello, hello! This is your mod with a few housekeeping things.

First of all, welcome everyone! I'm thrilled to have you all here and I look forward to making this a fun and active community. Let me just put the Rules and the FAQ out here for everyone to read again. The rules were carefully written to make this the most enjoyable experience for everyone, so if anyone has any questions, PLEASE ask.

Second, don't forget to introduce yourselves and your characters!

Third, even though we don't open for a few days (depending on how many new holds/apps we get), there's no reason we can't start plotting, discussing CR, etc. Feel free to comment on other players posts if you think your character and theirs could do something interesting, or if you have a plot idea.

Fourth, I'll be posting memes daily to play around with while we're getting ready to open. These can be really good for character development as well, so I encourage you to participate!

Most of all, have fun, start settling in, and we'll be opening as soon as we reach fifteen characters. And if you have any questions at all, PLEASE feel free to ask.

~Madison Valley Mod

[info]_skxawng in [info]madisonooc

Hello, hello, I'm Tracy, I probably know you all, and I bring you two boys to play with.

First off, we have Jake here from Avatar. He's a former marine, current Ikran Makto and a permanent Skxawng. He's in a wheelchair, but that's hardly going to hold him back much. He won't ask for or thank you for your pity or any offers of help. He's not being rude, but really, he's got it under control.

Then we have Eames from Inception ([info]_mreames_). He's a thief, a pickpocket, a forger and a Forger in the Dreamscape. He likes tea, Jaffa cakes, rugby, painting, Arthur, teasing Arthur, Arthur's delectable arse (clothing optional) and stealing all kinds of shit.

I am in Ireland, so that's GMT. I work full-time and I have a 5-year-old so sometimes I will be slow at replying. I'm on AIM at SayNoToZombies, and can be poked at on the Googles at Scriblix. :D

[info]loves_abeast in [info]madisonooc

Hey guys, just a note (as this is the easiest place to do it) that my laptop died for some unknown reason this afternoon and as I live in a teeny town myself, can't get it looked at atm and am typing tihs from my PS3 (thank goodness for my USB keyboard). I will TRY to tag as best I can, but may end up on a brief hiatus whlie things get fixed (this is getting cp'd to all my places, fyi)