October 15th, 2013

[info]hurlyburly in [info]lw_ooc

New character! New player! (Sorta)

BB here. I bring you an original character. Her name is Carmen.

Basically she's a witch. Uh, basically. On her world it's its own monster/species thing. Like Baba Yaga or the crone archetype, except she isn't old yet. She's a baby crone and her kind have almost been completely wiped out. She only recently learned she wasn't human and living in an apartment building that is damned in the literal sense and a sanctuary for other supernatural creatures.

Let's plot.

She doesn't know any other magic types. Anyone who wants to take her under her wing? She'd appreciate that so she doesn't like... doing things. I don't know. She's a little bit of a powder keg. The only person to kinda show her what she was capable of was a demon that kind of used her.

Also, I dunno, any human characters want to mistakenly (or not so mistakenly) end up as her magical familiar? It'll be fun! They might be stuck in as an animal for the beginning of it but you know... it'll work out, right?

She's going to end up on this new world very confused. Living in a magical apartment building, she's not going to realize right away that she's not at the apartment building. Ooops.

PS. She was raised by nuns. Mean nuns. So, uh, not real worldly experienced. That's probably about to change. Heh.