The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

November 8th, 2013

Drabble night reminder

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Drabble night is today in about 5 hours (at three P.M. pacific standard time / six P.M. Eastern). Not sure what time that is where you are? Here's a timezone converter (! The plan is to choose DDO prompts from the Holiday Fest and attempt to fullfil them by way of drabbles or drawables. If you want to participate I recommend choosing several DDO prompts you like and having them on hand Friday. You do not need to claim them preemptively, though you can if you wish. DDO prompts that get filled can be shared as we go or posted to the comm later. Feel free to show up early, I'll start once we get three players. If you need help getting into chat please reply to either this post or the reminder I will post an hour or so prior to the scheduled starting time and I will talk you in ASAP! :D

November 5th, 2013

Drabble night announcement

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Hi all, I'm scheduling a drabble night for this Friday at three P.M. pacific standard time (six P.M. Eastern). Not sure what time that is where you are? Here's a timezone converter (! The plan is to choose DDO prompts from the Holiday Fest and attempt to fullfil them by way of drabbles or drawables. If you want to participate I recommend choosing several DDO prompts you like and having them on hand Friday. You do not need to claim them preemptively, though you can if you wish. DDO prompts that get filled can be shared as we go or posted to the comm later. Feel free to show up early, I'll start once we get three players. If you need help getting into chat please reply to either this post or the reminder I will post an hour or so prior to the scheduled starting time and I will talk you in ASAP! :D

October 12th, 2013

Drabble night reminder

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Drabble night starts in just under two hours. Feel free to show up early, I'm already in chat doing my reading for my theory class so I may not immediately notice new people, please be patient with me. :)

August 24th, 2013

Drabble night reminder

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Drabble night officially begins in about two hours and fifteen minutes. I'm already in chat so feel free to pop in whenever. I'm reading for class at the moment so it might take me a bit to realize I have company. If you need help getting in, just comment on this post and I'll talk you in ASAP. :D

August 23rd, 2013

Drabble night announcement

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Hi all, I'm scheduling a drabble night for tomorrow at five P.M. pacific standard time (eight P.M. Eastern). Not sure what time that is where you are? Here's a timezone converter (! As always artists are encouraged to participate by way of sketches which can be shared as we go or posted to the comm later. Feel free to show up early, I'll start once we get three players. If you need help getting into chat please reply to either this post or the reminder I will post an hour or so prior to the scheduled starting time and I will talk you in ASAP! :D

June 3rd, 2013

Drabble Nite chat is on!

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You remember how to get into chat, right? Drop by anytime tonight to write or cheer others on!

love, lore
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