The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

November 17th, 2007

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Title: Shower
Rating: PG-13?
Author: [info]brunaghot
A/N: It was inspired by the fic Stone Walls by [info]arionrhod because Remus said he'd began liking to wash Snape's hair so I guess he'd keep doing it afterwards (even if Snape pretends he doesn't like it). ^-^

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November 12th, 2007

Snape/Lupin Art

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Hello lovely peeps!
I come bearing a picture drawn by my friend, Bert.  He draws pics for a living, and specialises in cartoony stuff and caricatures.
His website is here
The Snape/Lupin pic is rated PG-13 for nekkid shoulders and dribble.

Linkety link to LJ because I can't upload pics here on IJ

October 28th, 2007

Art: Come to Bed (PG-13)

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Title: Come to Bed
Artist: [info]kirasha
Warnings: not much beyond hurried texture work, heh. Well, and naked werewolf chest. *wicked grin*
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: It's a pity they're not mine. But I must owe all credit for their existence to JKR.
Summary: Severus would like Remus to stop, please. He's not above using that dark, silky voice of his to good effect to make it happen.
Notes: Not for the Resurrection fest. Was cleaning up the last bits of posts on my site and found this piece I'd yet to post from awhile back when I'd felt in a visual mood. I've been working with this postwork lighting/texture technique for a few months now and I think I'm starting to get the hang of it! :-)

Come to Bed, Remus )

October 16th, 2007

Snape/Lupin art: Always, rated pg13?

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Artist: KarasuHime
rating: PG-13 ish I think, nipple alert.
warnings: none

I did this commission piece. It's a gift for Scribbulus_ink from Arionrhod.

October 3rd, 2007

Art for the Resurrection Fest

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Title: Resurrection
Artist: neodandiesrule
Rating: PG-13 for the subject ?
Characters: Snape and Lupin
Challenge: Resurrection Fest
Disclaimer: the two of them belong to JK Rowling.

Notes: the concept of this drawble appeared into my head when I read about the fest, so here you are, an unofficial entry :)
PLEASE don't scroll down immediately, first look at the top and then downward, if the pic isn't too small for that.Thanks :D. Also, this was drawn quite quickly, so please excuse the sketchy look ...

On a dark foggy night

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