The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

July 20th, 2010

Mod Post: July Calendar, Fantasy Fest, more....

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Front and center, a very late posting of July's calendar with my deep apologies to Skitty and the community. If it helps ease the pain, I will be gathering up all the calendar art pieces and turning them into generic monthly calendars for download, which will be available at the end of the year.

Snape, Lupin and Teddy at the beach with July calendaby Skitty_Kat

1024 x 768 Original
1024 x 768 Blue Background
As always, you can leave comments for the incomparable Skitty here!

Finally, if you have previously created calendar art for either our print or desktop projects and wish to send me a clean (date-free, month title can stay) version of it, or just a reply with your permission to use existing clean art, please e-mail me at the mod mail. I'll be contacting everyone via email this fall, but you can save me steps if you see this and have time to deal with it now. Thanks!

Fantasy Fest is off to a great start! Has everyone been using the Fantasy Fest tag? It's "prompt: fantasy fest 2010" on both IJ and LJ. The drabblers have barely been able to contain themselves, but remember, they only rule until July 31. Also remember, if you've signed up for a drabble and don't post it here on or before July 31, you lose any art or story prompts you've claimed.

Claiming is open throughout the fest, so there's plenty of time for you to help spread the word! Just point creative types toward one of the claiming posts, or point readers to one of the tag links. They are conveniently listed below for your use.

Prompts & Claiming on InsaneJournal || Prompts & Claiming on LiveJournal

Fantasy Fest 2010 Tag on LiveJournal || Fantasy Fest 2010 Tag on InsaneJournal

If you spot any other Snape/Lupin content around the journals or web, feel free to link it here. And, as always, please let the authors and artists know if you view their posts. Comments are becoming an endangered species, so please do your part to help repopulate the herd as well as make a creator's day. ^_~

love, lore

July 19th, 2010

Fantasy Fest Drabble: Words Unspoken

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Title: Words Unspoken
Author: whitestar (whitestar_alpha on Live Journal)
Characters: Remus Lupin, Severus Snape
Rating: G
Warnings: AU, EWE
Word Count: 413
Summary: Sometimes actions speak louder than words.
Prompt: dd22 - morning breakfast (I love those domestic scenes)
Notes: Written for the [info]lupin_snape Fantasy Fest 2010.
Betas: [info]et_tu_lj [info]brighty18 on Live Journal. Thank you! :D

Words Unspoken )

July 17th, 2010

Fantasy Fest Drabble: What Do You See? (Drabble 2 of a two part drabble)

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Title: What Do You See?
Author: whitestar (whitestar_alpha on Live Journal)
Characters: Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Lily Evans
Rating: G
Warnings: AU
Summary: We can never predict what will happen when we meet someone for the first time. Sometimes it's more magical than you can imagine.
Prompt: dd24 - That magic moment our eyes met. Any rating.
Notes: Two drabble set - Drabble 2, for [info]lupin_snape Fantasy Fest 2010.
Betas: [info]et_tu_lj, [info]brighty18 on Live Journal. Thank you so much for you help! :D

What Do You See? - Drabble 2 )

What Do You See? - Drabble 1

Fantasy Fest Drabble: What Do You See? (Drabble 1 of a two part drabble)

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Title: What Do You See?
Author: whitestar (whitestar_alpha on Live Journal)
Characters: Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Lily Evans
Rating: G
Warnings: AU
Summary: We can never predict what will happen when we meet someone for the first time. Sometimes it's more magical than you can imagine.
Prompt: dd24 - That magic moment our eyes met. Any rating.
Notes: Two drabble set - Drabble 1, for [info]lupin_snape Fantasy Fest 2010.
Betas: [info]et_tu_lj, [info]brighty18 on Live Journal. Thank you so much for you help! :D

What Do You See? - Drabble 1 )

Continued in Drabble 2 - What Do You See? - Drabble 2

Fantasy fest drabble: The Meaning of an Apple

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The Meaning of an Apple

Pairing: Severus/Remus
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance/humour
Word count: 486
Prompt: An apple for teacher

Get Apples )

July 16th, 2010

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Title: Pewter Buttons
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s)/character(s): Remus/Severus
Word Count:  500(ish)

Challenge: Fantasy Fest ‘10

Prompt: #34 Wedding, buttons, giant squid
Warnings: Unbeta’d; implied outdoor sex


Fantasy Fest Drabble: "Five Times Severus Snape Didn't Say 'Duck!'" - G

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Title: Five Times Severus Snape Didn't Say 'Duck!'
Author: islandsmoke
Rating: G
Prompt: Duck!
Summary: Um, see title.
Warnings: near crack
Word count: 500

Five Times Severus Snape Didn't Say 'Duck!' )

July 13th, 2010

Fantasy Fest Drabble: Seeing in the Dark (PG)

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Title:Seeing in the Dark
Author: Omni (rip_von_christ on lj)
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Prompt: forest, new moon, silk
Summary: The darkness doesn't always inspire fear.
Word Count: 472 (long "drabble," I know... -_-)

Once upon a moonless night... )

July 12th, 2010

Fantasy Fest Drabble: Sorrows are for Drowning

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Title: Sorrows are for Drowning
Author: [info]westernredcedar
Summary: After the Potters' deaths, Remus needs someone to pull him up from the depths of despair.
Prompt: Sirius Black and firewhiskey
Word Count: 418
Rated: R, only for language
Warnings: Aaaangst! Drinking to excess
Notes: Thanks, [info]_lore for the fest!

July 11th, 2010

Lupin_Snape Fantasy Fest - Claiming Rules & Prompt Lists!

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Be sure to check your claims after I have confirmed them, to make sure I marked off the right prompts for you.

Please read the following claim rules carefully and follow them. It will help me organize the claims lists and keep my sanity. I am taking claims on both IJ and LJ this time around, rather than herd you all to one journal or the other. This means, though, that if you do not follow both claim posts, you might make a claim on a prompt that's already been taken.

So, PLEASE check both prompt posts before claiming. I really hate saying "no" and a claim is not official until I confirm it. LiveJournal Claims Post || InsaneJournal Claims Post

==>This year, there is a drabble/drawable period that begins now and lasts through July 31. No fantasy drabbles my be claimed after July 31. Story and art claims may be posted beginning now (hee!) and ending August 31. In other words, the drabblers are going to keep the community entertained while the story/art people work. However, if a story or art is finished before the end of July, please feel free to post and go back for more claims!<==

Rules for Claiming a Request, including word counts, posting issues and timelines - Read before making a claim )

And now the prompts!

Drabble/Drawable prompts )

Art prompts )

Story prompts )

Deadlines: July 31 for drabble/drawables, August 31 for stories and art

In case it's not clear, the masterlist will reveal who made which prompt. However, once a post has been made, if you wish to reveal yourself as the prompter in your comments, I have no problem with that.

During these next two months, other posts from members are welcome, but everyone is encouraged to participate if interested. There will be no other challenge prompts for July or August, however, we will be offering discussion questions and fun while waiting for the first wave of submissions to hit. If you have any discussions you'd like to see take place, post here or send email.

Finally, thanks to everyone who spread the word about prompts and to [info]karsau_hime for helping me compile the prompt lists (back to the poll if we do this again). You guys are the greatest! *HUGS*

love, lore

July 8th, 2010

Fantasy Fest: Prompt Prompts

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Here's a list of HP terms that might get your creative prompting juices flowing. I think I'll take prompts through Friday and post a claim list on Saturday, if that's all right with you all.

See, cut tagged! )

I'll put these under a cut after the prompting period is over. I hope this helps inspire you! Again, the prompting period is extended through Friday.

love, lore

July 7th, 2010

Fantasy Fest: Need those prompts!

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Prompts have been trickling in slowly since Fantasy Fest was announced, but we definitely need more if we're going to offer creators a decent list to choose from.

Now that we've come through the US holiday weekend, it's not too late to get your prompts in. Remember, we need prompts in the following categories:

• Stories
• Art
• Drabble/Drawable

You can offer up to two prompts in each category, just be sure to make a new post for each one and state the category. The prompt post is screened, so there's no reason to be shy. Just try to think about what you would love to see in a Snape/Lupin piece and write it out for us. It's your fantasy fest, after all.

Again, prompt numbers are super-low! Please take some time to prompt by Noon on Friday (July 9). And there's still time to spread the word, too. Thanks!

love, lore
P.S. I'll be hanging out in chat in the evenings the rest of this week if you'd like prompt-writing help or inspiration.

July 3rd, 2010

In Chat!

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Hanging out in chat tonight. Maybe you need a little inspiration or help with prompts for our Fantasy Fest? Then come on in! I'll be up late, listening for kids trying to blow up the mailbox. ~_^

Prompt post at IJ
Prompt Post at LJ
There's even one on Dreamwidth

love, lore

July 2nd, 2010

Fantasy Fest 2010! - Prompt Post

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With some tweaking, we are, indeed, going to have a fantasy fest after a two-year hiatus. If you're new to the concept, read on!

What is a fantasy fest?
For our purposes, a fantasy fest is when members of [info]lupin_snape submit Lupin/Snape fantasy prompts for fics, drabbles/drawables and art. Writers and artists later claim the prompts and will return to the community with a story, drabble or piece of art based on the prompt claimed. Prompts remain anonymous until a piece is posted or the masterlist is revealed. The fest is running in July and August this year, and we are going to try for drabbles/drawables in July and stories/art in August.

Prompting, I can do! How?
All about prompting under the cut )

Drabbles? Drawables
This year, July is dedicated to drabble/drawable prompts. Anyone can pick and create a drabble/drawable prompt and post it in July. After July 31, the drabble/drawable period is over with the hope that the creators who took on longer prompts will be ready to post in August. As a creator, you are welcome to participate in both phases of the fest.

For our purposes, drabbles must be between 100 and 500 words. Drawables will be at the artists' discretions. Stories should be at least 1000 words and art more on the finished side.

Again, the prompts will be listed for claiming without prompter's names attached. The idea of a fantasy fest is foremost to offer inspiration while also fulfilling someone's wish. Prompters' names will be revealed in the masterlist, although we will not keep you from letting the creator know when you offer feedback. This is to keep the focus on the ideas and not on individuals. Fantasy Fest is not an exchange.

Deadline for posting prompts: Friday, July 9, 12 p.m. EST

Examples, Limitations, Disclaimers, Warnings & Stuff - Read carefully if this is your first Fantasy Fest )

You can edit your prompts right up until Noon on July 9. Please delete your old post and make a new one.

Rules on participating as a writer or artist will follow when the prompts are posted for claiming. Other questions, comments are welcome - I'll unscreen them as I answer them. I hope everyone will enjoy another year of Snupin Fantasies!

love, lore
P.S. - Please spread the word about this in your journals and other communities. It's been very quiet around here lately. Let's make some noise!
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