The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

April 24th, 2017

April 24th, 2017

Moonlight Madness

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Let's go with 's idea and do a week-long minifist in June and a longer one in July (so as not to conflict with [info]hp_may_madness).

So. The week-long mini-fest will be June 11-17. Think of it as a warm-up for the full month-long fest in July! Start tending your plotbunnies now! Feed them lots of hay and fresh veggies!

The rules are:
  • One hundred or more words a day.
  • Must be on-topic for the community. (Must include either Snape or Lupin, preferably together.)
  • It must be new work that you wrote for the fest (but you can brainstorm now, or even outline as long as you're not actually writing it now).
  • If you miss a day, you can post 200+ words the next day. For the week-long fest, that's the catch-up limit. For the month, you can miss up to four days if you post 500 words on day five.
Please feel free to promote this fest widely! Good luck!

(Please comment on Dreamwidth.)

Moving Primary Activity to Dreamwidth

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There is a post at Livejournal explaining this further, but I will be closing this community to further comments by April 30. Nothing will be deleted or lost, but we're going to center Lupin_Snape activity at Dreamwidth from now on. Please post there from now on. We're going to finding and bookmarking any Insanejounal-only activity for your future use, never fear.

You can read more here:
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