The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

August 19th, 2015

August 19th, 2015

Mini-Fest prompts needed now

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There are no Snape/Lupin prompts at Mini-Fest. If you are inclined to make any, prompting is open until it closes sometime tomorrow morning (August 20).

There's a limit of 5 prompts per person. If you come up with extras, feel free to leave them on this post for others to use/consider.

Prompts go here:

In other news, Shadowycat left a lovely piece of art here for Severusfest:

And Cordeliadelayne wrote a swoon-worthy drabble here:

If anyone is watching, you're welcome to post your Snape/Lupin news on your own or leave it on any of my mod posts. I'll share it. ♥

love, lore
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