The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

November 30th, 2014

November 30th, 2014

Snupin Santa: Where we're at

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Are you getting excited? Our first post should go up at Midnight, EST!

So, if I post all the art the first week, instead of spreading it out, we'll be able to post for 11 days, although I'm hoping we can spread the art out (or receive more!). If everyone who has contacted me about submissions later this month turns something in, we can post 10 more days, although there might be a gap in the middle weeks.

So, for now, no postings on the weekends or the day before or after Christmas. I'll rethink that if we receive more material. Basically, it's not too late to contribute to the final Snupin Santa if you find time to create this month!

Have a Ho Ho Ho Happy December!
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